So cute!!! I hope they get back together. It’d be a shame to see their adorable story ge...

July 14, 2024 5:33 pm

So cute!!! I hope they get back together. It’d be a shame to see their adorable story getting together and then just feeling the angst til the end :(((( I want them to be happy!!!!!!!!!

    Hari July 14, 2024 9:17 pm

    who are u talking abt

    July 14, 2024 9:35 pm
    who are u talking abt Hari

    The chars in the latest chapters

    furry twink July 14, 2024 11:31 pm

    are u being fr rn this is a literal middle school child and an adult

    July 15, 2024 5:07 am
    are u being fr rn this is a literal middle school child and an adult furry twink

    So? Why are you acting like these are real people. This is literally a made up story. These are drawings. No one cares.

    Also we’ve literally been reading/watching high schoolers fuck each other and talk about sex this entire time. If you care so much about underage sex, then this entire story isn’t for you. Like bffr.

    Anyway. I’m excited to see how their story progresses. And I hope they get a happy ending too.

    wherethedepravedgather July 15, 2024 8:45 am
    So? Why are you acting like these are real people. This is literally a made up story. These are drawings. No one cares. Also we’ve literally been reading/watching high schoolers fuck each other and talk about...

    Aah will you be my friend (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    furry twink July 15, 2024 10:28 am
    So? Why are you acting like these are real people. This is literally a made up story. These are drawings. No one cares. Also we’ve literally been reading/watching high schoolers fuck each other and talk about...

    LMAOOO sure thing bro you do you

    Keiji July 15, 2024 10:49 am
    Aah will you be my friend (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ wherethedepravedgather

    Fr bro i wanna be bros friend too, these dramatic kiddos on manga go ain't it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hari July 15, 2024 1:32 pm
    Fr bro i wanna be bros friend too, these dramatic kiddos on manga go ain't it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Keiji

    i see, people uncomfortable with pedophilic content = kiddos, awesome. Yall gross

    Hari July 15, 2024 1:35 pm
    So? Why are you acting like these are real people. This is literally a made up story. These are drawings. No one cares. Also we’ve literally been reading/watching high schoolers fuck each other and talk about...

    The entire story started with a completely legal wholesome relationship, telling ppl this story isnt for them just doesnt make sense. Defending urself for being a creep is embarassing lmao. Touch grass. Content like grooming and pedophilia will always be weird, fictional or not. It's called having media literacy.

    wherethedepravedgather July 15, 2024 3:02 pm
    i see, people uncomfortable with pedophilic content = kiddos, awesome. Yall gross Hari

    there has been no pedophilia till now in the story + the tutor isn't even showing any grooming actions

    Keiji July 15, 2024 5:12 pm
    there has been no pedophilia till now in the story + the tutor isn't even showing any grooming actions wherethedepravedgather

    Ikr bro they are mad for fun(⊙…⊙ )

    Keiji July 15, 2024 5:12 pm
    there has been no pedophilia till now in the story + the tutor isn't even showing any grooming actions wherethedepravedgather

    Ikr bro they are mad for fun(⊙…⊙ )

    July 15, 2024 6:01 pm
    The entire story started with a completely legal wholesome relationship, telling ppl this story isnt for them just doesnt make sense. Defending urself for being a creep is embarassing lmao. Touch grass. Content... Hari

    Media literacy….? Is this the twilight zone? Cuz that’s what I’m doing. I can actually read made up fiction and take it as what it is: made up.

    If you don’t like something that’s fine. But I’m allowed to read and enjoy comics. I’m not a criminal for reading and enjoying a story someone made up and drew. This is not real life bffr. And all the people throwing the word pedo around against real people in the comments are doing more harm than good. This fake ass activism against ppl for looking at drawings of made up stories is ridiculous. And antis are just projecting so much that it’s embarrassing.

    I’m not a creep for enjoying a COMIC. You guys are so weird.

    Anyway Miyai is gonna fuck his tutor in his ass soon, so perhaps everybody should avoid this entire volume and let the rest of us enjoy the show! :)

    Keiji July 15, 2024 6:21 pm
    Media literacy….? Is this the twilight zone? Cuz that’s what I’m doing. I can actually read made up fiction and take it as what it is: made up. If you don’t like something that’s fine. But I’m allow...

    Bwahahaa!!! Love you bro (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Hari July 16, 2024 7:55 am
    Media literacy….? Is this the twilight zone? Cuz that’s what I’m doing. I can actually read made up fiction and take it as what it is: made up. If you don’t like something that’s fine. But I’m allow...

    I've studied psychology for years. You're just wrong, It is in fact creepy. It's the fact that you cant accept criticism that the majority WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE. Why? Because it very much happens in real life and it's quite literally morally and ethically wrong. The reality is that fiction can never be seperated from real life because fiction itself reflects real life. I fear you guys have lost footing on justifying that it's fiction and that it isn't criminal when your intentionally indulging in it and are being entertained by it. It makes the line you've drawn so incredibly blurry. It's the fact you somehow reached the conclusion that YOU wanted them to get together romantically when there's not any signs of it YET(though according to spoilers, it does unfortunately happen).

    The primary reason why problematic content exists is so that people with very real harmful tendencies gets an outlet TO RECOVER FROM THESE BAD TENDENCIES. There's research, there's tablature. Arguably, you guys are worse than medically diagnosed pedophiles because most of them do know that it's wrong but will not indulge in it for the sake of not giving in into the mental illness.

    If you like it because it's fiction(which i STRESS, is still so very wrong), the least you can do is not argue with people that are being bothered, uncomfortable and straight up hating you for liking it as if THEY'RE BIGOTS. Because you guys NEED the criticism to keep you grounded, to remind you that it's wrong.

    It's the fact you see the (fictional) situation as entertaining. Why? Literally, what's so entertaining? It happens in real life, it very much so happens to real children, why do you treat it as something normal.

    My only advice, accept that you guys are creeps for it. You know it's creepy, ground yourselves because this is how sexual predators develop. AWFUL conclusion, but very real.

    Hari July 16, 2024 7:58 am
    Ikr bro they are mad for fun(⊙…⊙ ) Keiji

    Hi, not mad, just a psychologist very concerned for these people. Though I did used to get absolutely enraged by these people. There's a spoiler that it does happen, people are bothered by the ppl who are entertained by pedophilic imagery. But ofc ppl are also bothered at the imagery itself, that's a given, it started off wholesome, the side story got weird. Be careful on the internet and don't wound up to be like OP.

    Hari July 16, 2024 8:06 am
    Media literacy….? Is this the twilight zone? Cuz that’s what I’m doing. I can actually read made up fiction and take it as what it is: made up. If you don’t like something that’s fine. But I’m allow...

    Also sorry, calling us "antis" and saying we're projecting just doesnt make sense. I advice you to look the word up.. What exactly are we projecting? You're the ones indulging in pedophilic media, aren't you the one projecting? Hate to be the bearer of bad news but being criticized by people for THIS doesn't mean they're projecting onto you. It's a sign you should self reflect. Pick up a research article, media literacy is a very relavant point. Get well soon.

    July 16, 2024 3:43 pm

    It’s not that deep bro.

    Keiji July 16, 2024 3:55 pm
    It’s not that deep bro.

    Ikr, some bro cam to my DM to threaten me they gonna come and get me with a pedo and make him fuck me in the ass. I don't even know whats their problem ( ̄∇ ̄") hope mangago will ban people like that

    July 16, 2024 3:58 pm
    Ikr, some bro cam to my DM to threaten me they gonna come and get me with a pedo and make him fuck me in the ass. I don't even know whats their problem ( ̄∇ ̄") hope mangago will ban people like that Keiji

    Yikes. Sorry that happened.