Because it's in their head. Fantasies doesn't have to be something you'll want irl. Sometimes I also fantasize about wanting to be famous, but irl I don't want that.
As a fantasy it's just inside their head and therefore they know the "man" inside their head or the one from the book won't actually do it

I never read it, so I rlly don't know what happend. But from what I understand is that he did out of revenge.
I feel like it might js be that the readers that condone that just don't view it as something bad because it's fiction. Might sound stupid, but alot of people think so. So if he did that to a character that is hated, alot of them will indeed condone it

its the reason why the dark rough ml is always picked than the caring 2nd ml. because the exclusivity of being the only person they treat kindly is better than being treated the same as everyone else (atleast fictionally.) also you really cant compre that in real life cos ppl arent two dimensional like that. but yea the charm is the feeling of being the special person in the whole universe that they treat specially.
as for dooshik's case, he was a good person tho? i mean havent finished it yet and not to say what he did was okay. but he essentially is (he was kind to strangers and old ppl, and esp to the uke from what ive read) albeit his dubious profession and ways in acquiring money. but he aint a saint (which was so human of him) and isnt above and beyond in doing just anything for the people he loved. (to be fair his partner was subjected to more unspeakable trauma infront of him, im more surprised if he didnt lose his mind yet.)
Can someone explain the logic of liking a seme that only treats the uke well but is a shit human to other people..Its not attractive or cute. Why do you guys hype up these type of semes. I think I seme who can treat his uke well and still be a decent human to other characters is much better.
Here's an example. You guys hype Dooshik so much but he literally organised a grape for character and I remember one of his stans justifing his actions. Like HUH.