In love the mc but man his outfits are getting hideous ain’t no way he wore that shit as...

Gee July 14, 2024 3:54 am

In love the mc but man his outfits are getting hideous ain’t no way he wore that shit as a child

    ag.jjtj July 15, 2024 11:44 pm
    What….Okay ig imma have a good day? I don’t why straight started attacking me, all I said was it’s you’re opinion and your saying I’m acting like a bitch, I have a condescending tone, when did I say I... Gee

    Okay, couple of points here:
    1. I didn’t attack you, I gave you the same attitude you gave me in your last message with the “This is the last time I’m interacting with you, Ciao”. Don’t pretend that wasn’t hella passive aggressive. I only give back the energy I receive.
    2. You first responded to me not the other way around. Asking me if I would wear it and what not. I only kept responding to you back. And please DO QUOTE ME where have I tried to convince you that it’s a “good outfit”. All I did was disagree with you and explain why it wasn’t weird, especially with how big of extreme you said it was, I never addressed your personal taste.
    3. I quite clearly said, again, that I UNDERSTAND where you’re coming from aka I respected your opinion. Please, again, quote me where have I ever said you should like it?
    4. Again, QUOTE ME, where have I said you SHOULD/HAVE TO find that outfit cute? Also, you weren’t trying to disengage politely, you were hella passive aggressive and ONLY THEN I called your behavior bitchy. And where exactly have I been triggered? Especially by you disagreeing with me? Quote me where have I tried to convince you to like the outfit instead of explaining cultural differences and why it may seem weird but it isn’t? I told you I was nothing but respectful to you, you got passive aggressive first I just gave u back the same energy. I wasn’t triggered at any point of this conversation. In what world is nonsense like that worth getting angry? I just responded to your comments, like you did to mine. If you said “I guess we will agree to disagree, have a good day” and ended it like that then I would’ve respected it. There was no need for attitude.

    ag.jjtj July 15, 2024 11:53 pm
    What….Okay ig imma have a good day? I don’t why straight started attacking me, all I said was it’s you’re opinion and your saying I’m acting like a bitch, I have a condescending tone, when did I say I... Gee

    Actually, your whole “Ciao” comment was hella passive-aggressive and condescending. If you give someone an attitude like that then don’t expect them to be polite to you in exchange. I just matched your energy. Simple as that.

    Gee July 16, 2024 1:40 am

    So you called me condescending and a bitch cuz I said ciao… that’s eye opening.

    Gee July 16, 2024 1:54 am
    Actually, your whole “Ciao” comment was hella passive-aggressive and condescending. If you give someone an attitude like that then don’t expect them to be polite to you in exchange. I just matched your en... ag.jjtj

    So calling me a bitch is matching my tone of being passive aggressive by saying “ciao”
    Let me repeat where you escalated things
    I said the outfit was ugly —> you said you liked it—> I asked if held to gunpoint would you wear it? —> you said and then asked why —> I responded by saying I didn’t like the frills and how childish it was —> you say u get where I’m coming from but then tell me to look into kpop or Japan cute aesthetic which —> I then explain my part again and then try to disengage saying your opinion is yours and mine is mine —> you don’t take that as an answer and then say If I’m uncomfortable with this I should be uncomfortable with the age gap, I never viewed this as romance so tryna make it like I like age gap is not funny and I don’t know where this topic came from, I say AGAIN, it’s your opinion and mines mine and then said Ciao which of you didn’t know means BYE —> you feel disrespected and call me a bitch.

    I keep tryna disengage and you don’t want me too

    *Youre saying this is normal in East Asian doesn’t make any sense cuz that boy is in Paris