Well said!
Some people behave as if Toma is 6 months old and some kind of moron without intelligence. If Toma is able to understand human language enough to throw a tantrum, he can understand being told off.
From 18-24 months, children can understand basic commands. From 30-36 months, they can fairly understand that they did wrong. They might cry back or be saddened, but you just have to explain them and reassure them you still have deep affection for them.
It is always the people who did not face the headaches of raising children who give the most BS opinions about the process. You cannot be nice all the time and you cannot delay the teaching process, otherwise they grow up with bad habits that are harder to undo and, in the meantime, might endanger them.
My friend used to raise her voice EACH time her child gets near the outlet. Now, even if he is playing with his toy, and this latter somehow gets near an outlet, he will just ask an adult to get his toy back. I was so impressed, because he was not even 2 but so well disciplined. Now, he is a big boy and he proudly gives us health hazard instructions.
Toma needs to be discipline, running away because you can't get your way is not something that you over look. Kids don't learn if you give in to them and don't discipline them, so I REALLY hope Daiki doesn't give in like mama will and tell Toma he can't go and ground him for running away. Toma needs to learn he can't away get what he wants if e crys and throws a temper tantrum. Yes hew is like 4 or 5 yr ols?, but he is old enough to teach right and wrong ways of doing things.