
strawberrysnow March 1, 2017 9:53 pm

Now i'm thinking that words in the title, killing and stalking, both of them were for Bum, huh?... I mean the real psycho in here is not sangwoo anymore. My brain just f.ed up

    Anonymous March 1, 2017 11:18 pm

    they are both wrong in the head, traumatized and crazy

    Sangshook March 2, 2017 1:00 am

    Well the main character from the start IS Bum. And now that I think about it, it's from his POV from the start, so holy shit maybe KS IS Bum. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    NEETnayd March 6, 2017 12:05 am

    You may have a point.. He has borderline personality disorder after all

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 10:25 am
    You may have a point.. He has borderline personality disorder after all NEETnayd

    Just because he has BPD doesn't make him a killer. Ordinary people with BPD don't fucking go on a murder spree. I suggest you educate yourself first about this before spreading your opinion about this.

    NEETnayd March 7, 2017 10:52 am
    You may have a point.. He has borderline personality disorder after all NEETnayd

    His bpd might lead him to his craziness that is my point...

    NEETnayd March 7, 2017 10:56 am
    Just because he has BPD doesn't make him a killer. Ordinary people with BPD don't fucking go on a murder spree. I suggest you educate yourself first about this before spreading your opinion about this. @Anonymous

    I am not an expert about this so sorry about that.... You seem to know more about this, please tell me instead...
    If i just use internet, maybe it will just confuse me more cause i did try to look up and it was hell comfusing... BPD is s complex disorder and it takes hours to weeks for the disorder to occur, that is what i just remember from it....

    Anoni Grrl March 7, 2017 2:00 pm
    I am not an expert about this so sorry about that.... You seem to know more about this, please tell me instead... If i just use internet, maybe it will just confuse me more cause i did try to look up and it was... NEETnayd

    No one knows everything. It's just that mental illness is sometimes misunderstood. That makes some people defensive. But it's not as if everyone has studied every subject. As you said, BDP is complex. It is not something that takes hours or weeks-- it's more like a chronic illness someone lives with all the time (like being diabetic). But you just want to look at this one fictional character, right?

    So in this story, we need to look at how the "world rules" set up by the author treats these particular people and their mental illnesses in context of this story. Would you say is fair to see Bum's condition as having escalated and developed differently since he has been with Sangwoo? I mean, the killing was new to him and it seemed to be a significant turning point for this character, right?

    NEETnayd March 7, 2017 2:05 pm
    No one knows everything. It's just that mental illness is sometimes misunderstood. That makes some people defensive. But it's not as if everyone has studied every subject. As you said, BDP is complex. It is not... Anoni Grrl

    Yeah, that is I truly wanted to say... Thank you.... I was just analyzing his character based off his actions being set by the author..
    Thank you so much for this explanation...

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 2:19 pm
    No one knows everything. It's just that mental illness is sometimes misunderstood. That makes some people defensive. But it's not as if everyone has studied every subject. As you said, BDP is complex. It is not... Anoni Grrl

    The point of my counter argument to her was that people (like her for example) already associate BPD with murder. And I think that's unfair to the people who actually have it, it's unfair to what BPD is itself. I don't think she was thinking of the things you pointed out prior to that. If you look at her response, it implies seems to imply that she's accepted already that BPD makes you automatically a killer or a stalker, even for Bum, a fictional character, that's quite unfair. Like you said(and I agree) , the mental shift of Bum's "quite normal" (he was a stalker but his mental state was still bordering normal lol) mind before to the "cray cray" version is hugely influenced by Sangwoo and what Sangwoo did to him.

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 2:25 pm
    Yeah, that is I truly wanted to say... Thank you.... I was just analyzing his character based off his actions being set by the author..Thank you so much for this explanation... NEETnayd

    Well, my point was your analysis of WHAT you think BPD is quite false. Don't go riding on other people's coat tails. And your misinterpretation has a direct effect on reality, whether you like it or not, whether you intend to or not. Fiction would always have some kind of influence on reality and vice versa. So, yea, I stand my ground. Go research first before you go spreading information

    Anoni Grrl March 7, 2017 2:54 pm
    The point of my counter argument to her was that people (like her for example) already associate BPD with murder. And I think that's unfair to the people who actually have it, it's unfair to what BPD is itself.... @Anonymous

    I agree with you about the character changing after Sangwoo, but I think it helpful to make some allowances for people not knowing everything about BPD or any mental illness. I know why it makes you mad when people have false ideas about it in real life--but no human is born knowing everything, and people can't be expected to understand things they have never had a chance to learn.

    But if I keep explaining, people will (rightly) tell me I'm off topic and I should stick to talking about Killing Stalking. So I'm going to try to be good. That's why I think we should try to focus on this story and these characters.

    I do think Bum's personality disorder was a factor in both how he got to be with Sangwoo and why he was so vulnerable to Sangwoo's manipulations. Bum was clearly not taking care of himself or developing effective ways of dealing with his issues before this. Sangwoo got Bum to the point where Bum let all the rage he was suppressing and turning inward at himself was released as he killed. In a twisted way, this like a coping mechanism some therapists may teach (only they would want Bum to create art, music, or whatever Bun could get into instead of killing).

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 3:16 pm
    I agree with you about the character changing after Sangwoo, but I think it helpful to make some allowances for people not knowing everything about BPD or any mental illness. I know why it makes you mad when p... Anoni Grrl

    I never implied or said that they should know everything about the illness. However, it would be better that they should AT LEAST attempt to be a bit more informed about it, before spreading their opinions about it. It's quite hard to not sway away from reality when talking about the characters. Especially regarding Bum and Sangwoo. We analyse them (whether for future chapter predictions or for just a plain character analysis) of course within the limits of the KS universe, but we inevitably would also tend to rationalize their actions based on what would ideally happen in reality. It's okay to integrate reality with fiction, especially for predictions/character analysis/fan theories. (Especially since BPD is an actual real life illness which the author had used in the series)

    Tell me if I'm not making any sense, I'm currently in public and am typing on my phone so ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Oh, yes, I agree! I'm glad you brought up the coping mechanism thing. I think the same, however, I relay that to Sangwoo. Killing may have become Sangwoo's sort of coping mechanism. Like, it's a coping mechanism he accidentally discovered during his first kill. I saw something in tumblr about how Chapter 19 is Sangwoo's way of sharing this type of coping mechanism with Bum, thus forming a deeper bond with him. And I totally agree with it, I also think that the killing of Jieun has been used as a stepping stone for their progress in their relationship. And the author seems to also be implying exactly that based on the things she's been posting recently lol.

    Anoni Grrl March 7, 2017 3:45 pm
    I never implied or said that they should know everything about the illness. However, it would be better that they should AT LEAST attempt to be a bit more informed about it, before spreading their opinions abou... @Anonymous

    " I also think that the killing of Jieun has been used as a stepping stone for their progress in their relationship. "

    Oh yes. This is an intimacy that is more than sex (for Sangwoo). When he engineered the "gay slay", Sangwoo made apoint of telling Bum "You used to be like that." and Sangwoo spoke of arranging the Jieun killing for Bum as a way they could be together. Now Sangwoo can trust Bum won't run, because after killing like that, Bum is in it completely.

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 4:34 pm
    " I also think that the killing of Jieun has been used as a stepping stone for their progress in their relationship. "Oh yes. This is an intimacy that is more than sex (for Sangwoo). When he engineered the "gay... Anoni Grrl

    It actually quite saddens me to see that there are people who hate Sangwoo for superficial reasons. While I understand why they feel that way, it seems to me that their judgement about him is abrupt. Idk in my opinion, Sangwoo's character is quite complex. There has to be some character dissection to have that kind of grasp of him. Like, I actually think some of the hate he gets comes from conformity of the opinions of others. I remember I used to be afraid to share my liking for Sangwoo's character because it seemed like a taboo thing.

    Like, I also think that what Sangwoo feels for Bum isn't superficial. We can't exactly define what that feeling is, but I'd wager that Bum has a "special" place to Sangwoo. I've seen people say that it's purely manipulation, but I disagree. I think there is genuinely something in there, albeit it be in a very fucked up way. I'm actually quite excited of what that "bonding moment" in ch19 would entail for both their characters and their relationship

    Anoni Grrl March 7, 2017 4:45 pm
    It actually quite saddens me to see that there are people who hate Sangwoo for superficial reasons. While I understand why they feel that way, it seems to me that their judgement about him is abrupt. Idk in my ... @Anonymous

    I find Sangwoo to be interesting and complex too--but I can see why some people have issues with the fact that he kills and tortures other people. :) I do think some twisted bonding is going on.