I think that in a way, even if she finds it hard to feel or recognize love, Haesol kinds of "love" Yeonwoo in her own way. Like he hold a special space in her heart. She has a hatd time recognizing or understanding emotion, even if she feels them, and indifference is her way to express herself. So, in my theory, she does kinda "love" him, but she needs to work on herself, if possible with a professional help to try and heal herself, and not fix, bc she is a human. When a glass is broken, you can glue it back but it will never be the same as before. Haesol needs to try and heal, and to go foward, and to let Yeonwoo know some of it, not saying she has to tell him EVERYTHING, its her call in the end, but just a bit for him to understand.
I think that in a way, even if she finds it hard to feel or recognize love, Haesol kinds of "love" Yeonwoo in her own way. Like he hold a special space in her heart. She has a hatd time recognizing or understanding emotion, even if she feels them, and indifference is her way to express herself.
So, in my theory, she does kinda "love" him, but she needs to work on herself, if possible with a professional help to try and heal herself, and not fix, bc she is a human. When a glass is broken, you can glue it back but it will never be the same as before. Haesol needs to try and heal, and to go foward, and to let Yeonwoo know some of it, not saying she has to tell him EVERYTHING, its her call in the end, but just a bit for him to understand.