I usually get hooked rlly easily but it’s so confusing, too fast paced, and I’m being ...

tati July 12, 2024 8:53 pm

I usually get hooked rlly easily but it’s so confusing, too fast paced, and I’m being bombarded with information.. AND I’m only at chap 6. I haven’t rlly gotten attached to the mc either, like we should be getting used to the mc in the early chaps but there’s already so much chaos.

    Insertbratwurst August 2, 2024 1:01 am

    I’m at ch 42 and honestly wondering why I’m still reading this. It seems like any and all comprehension of the plot will only occur once we learn what the secret backstory is that our FL either can’t remember or doesn’t know about, that EVERYONE ELSE at the garden seems to be in on.

    So until we learn about that, we just have to be confused while watching conversations, with tons of cryptic content, being told as if everyone who’s talking knows what’s being discussed (except us - the ones watching the conversation).