Do you guys have a ship here?

Can't live without End July 12, 2024 8:49 am

I wanted to know if there are people who have some shipping here?

Because Save sounds like someone who was unaware of his feeling and it sounds like a one sided love until the ending... Like (Also in the author blog it stated that Save went crazy to avenge....Wait it's a spoiler now right??)

Anywaysss my otp is EndxSave but there are also some who like EndxLesky lol I prefer EndSave together....

    Can't live without End July 12, 2024 8:53 am


    In the ending I feel like Save was saying "it doesn't have to be similar but it has to be you, End nim..." But it was too late T.T oh dear End also cried a lot because Save was also important to him.... I cried more in the Korean version HAHAHAHA

    In the end he just wanted to have fun and never expected for Save to... Gosh "Thanks to you... It was fun.. My Save"

    Can't live without End July 12, 2024 8:56 am
    (Spoiler)In the ending I feel like Save was saying "it doesn't have to be similar but it has to be you, End nim..." But it was too late T.T oh dear End also cried a lot because Save was also important to him...... Can't live without End