I’m not condoning grooming in any sort of way, either girl or boy, but you fail to realize sein was NOT a normal kid or teenager. Dude literally killed someone and was able to manipulate just about anyone. His brain worked completely different from a normal 13 or 14 year old. So yeah he probably 100% knew that his disgusting ass teacher wanted to do it with him and he just went along with it. Aida was way more innocent in that aspect and didn’t know absolutely ANYTHING about what her dad was doing to her. Again, I’m probably gonna get hated on but he was not an innocent or normal kid, so yeah it’s still grooming from the teachers part but he knew what her intentions were :/ it’s just my pov idk

I still don’t get the point of your comment. I was never saying anything about Aida, except for the fact that certain people hate on sein for being groomed having double standards when they know Aida was groomed. If they accept Aida being groomed, then sein should be accepted too. This was only for people who did that double standards crap. Did you take offense of the mere mention of Aida and didn’t get the point of the reference?
I didn’t “fail to realize” anything. I’m not stupid. I OBVIOUSLY know he’s a smart guy and has done plenty of bad things. The entire point was the topic of GROOMING. Your defense does make it seem you don’t think he was groomed just cause he’s smart. If you agree that it was still grooming, then that’s it. That was my entire point. What did you mean to say about him? You wanted him to be blamed in some sort of way just cause he knew her intentions? Did you ever think about many teenage girls getting into relationships with men in their 20s, clearly knowing the older guy’s intentions but still being with them? And everyone agrees that still is grooming. Sein’s intelligence doesn’t change anything. Notice the fact that my entire comment was on the topic of grooming only. Those murders you speak of are men that groomed children.
I’ve actually spoken to someone who made this same take as you, trying to bring in other factors such as him not being innocent for killing people or being smart. I obviously know he’s not 100% innocent but I also NEVER said that he was. His other actions have nothing to do with the fact that he was groomed. Remember his words: he said it himself that he regretted it and was basically doing it out of pity for the lady or even was seduced at the time. He didn’t have any other reasons why he did it with the lady, hence the manipulation and intelligence aspect of him was not there in that moment. That was the one moment where he actually acted like a regular teenage boy overcome by his hormones. I still do not get your point at all. You’re trying to defend yourself saying you believe he was groomed but at the same time making excuses saying he isn’t innocent. So what did you want to achieve by disagreeing with my point?

If you consider Aida a victim of SA and pedophilia then the same can be said for Sein. His stepdad SA him as a child, and he witnessed Aisha and Aida’s dad do the same thing, along with the adult female teacher also being a predator and going for him- A MINOR.
Aida also has shown to be reciprocating any sexual interest towards her, yet you don’t complain about that because you know she’s a victim. He is the same. It’s pretty gross that your take away was that he was just horny. If he were a girl, would your opinion stay the same or did you just assume because he’s a boy, he’s not able to be groomed? Anyways just cause he loved the FL doesn’t mean he has to save himself for her when she showed no feelings for him either. That logic is idiotic. It’s like if you had a crush on some random dude and wanted to save your virginity for him despite him never showing any interest in you.

CALM DOWNN. I'm literally asking cuz I literally haven't read this yet cuz I was trying to pile this up. All I saw was someone in a TikTok comment section saying "He got seduced and as a hormonal teenager, he cave in. And the fl witnessed that so that caused her insecurity and she thought Sean preferred mature women." THATS IT. That's literally why I'm asking "didn't he loved her?" Cuz all I saw is this side. The oh he is so down bad for her but then I see this in the comment section

And yes, if the story starts off yet AGAIN of an fl(it's always the ml, rarely ever the fl) getting easily seduced and they r FULLY AWARE of what's happening and just cave in cuz they r "horny" then I would hate it too. Tf u talking about?? And it's MY preference in romance??? I literally saw all the edits of him loving the fl since they were kids(and also by comments) and then I just get this bombshell of "oh. He's the same of all other mls."

Then this is why you don’t comment all over the place misinformation despite not even reading the story. My comment literally explains the damn scene where he “fucked” someone. It already answered your question.
Anyways the way you wrote it definitely was not an innocent question because you followed up saying he was just horny.

Are you just blatantly ignoring the words “grooming/pedophilia” in all my comments????? Why do you only comprehend “easily seduced?” Aida, the sister of Aisha was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by her own father. Yet you keep downplaying shit by saying that’s being easily seduced?? Sein (ml) was also SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TWICE BY TWO OLD PEOPLE. Why is it not getting through your head. They are CHILDREN when all this happened.
I’m explaining what happened in the plot. I don’t care about your preference since it’s not relevant to anything. I’m talking about the characters being groomed as children by adults. You’re still the only one here talking about simply sleeping with someone.


What the hell are you even talking about. Please use proper grammar and English. Why are you expecting me to be a mindreader and expect me to automatically know what you’ve been told. You are the one who should’ve genuinely asked. And using the English definition, that is not what an an example is LMFAO.

Mf I understand 4 other languages, English is literally my THIRD language so yes I'm not perfect LMFAO and I love how this is how you started coming at me, going the insult route. Instead of accepting that u fucked up cuz how u acted like a whole ass lunatic and acting as if I have a gun on ur head.
And yes it's an example?? I literally have u an EXAMPLE cuz u assumed I have double standards so I gave u an example that IF this is a fucking girl, and this is how the story went, I WOULD ALSO REACT THE SAME. Ur literally so heated and ur not getting my point. It's actually embarrassinggggg and what's worse is u ASSUMED that I was talking about Aisha(or aida??)
Your comment
"Are you just blatantly ignoring the words “grooming/pedophilia” in all my comments????? Why do you only comprehend “easily seduced?” Aida, the sister of Aisha was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by her own father. Yet you keep downplaying shit by saying that’s being easily seduced?? Sein (ml) was also SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TWICE BY TWO OLD PEOPLE. Why is it not getting through your head. They are CHILDREN when all this happened."????? Like wtf, I literally GAVE AN EXAMPLE. I don't think u understand that I wasn't fucking talking about this story HELPPP. Girl r u the author? If so, miss/sir. Calm the fuck down. This is a comment section, and no I won't fucking kill u LOL

Mf I DID NOT KNOW it was a sexual assault scene u literally knew that idk the whole story, but here u r CONVINCEDDD that I downplayed the situation. Like which is it rlly. Was it all a lie when u said "They’ve been commenting this despite not even understanding anything in the story."?? Jeez seriously, go drink water and calm down
Ur acting as if I said "I don't fucking care he got SA'd!!

All I can say is, I acted how one should act when it comes to sexual assault situations. Simple. I didn’t fuck up anything because I truly don’t give a fuck about you and how you think of me. If you can calmly face someone who doesn’t take sexual assault seriously and kept calling it as someone who was aware and was just horny, then idk what kind of person you are.
You quite literally were the one who didn’t care at all about the sexual assault and was too self-absorbed getting all offended at my response.

And MF I DID NOT SEE YOUR DAMN REPLY when I said that part. If you even cared to read anything at all, you would have known I already explained that.
And the reason why I believed you didn’t care was because every single reply you made to me did not bring it up whatsoever and just made more conflict with how I responded. And can you please stop copying and pasting the same phrases, it’s getting sickening to read.

LMFAOO cuz who tf wouldn't so? Imagine u commenting ONE COMMENT about ONE TOPIC and this person rambles 10 things. This went from "oh I thought he loved her? :c" to "WOAH WTF??" And suddenly out of nowhere insult my English LMFAO
Like it's so bizarre.. this is my first time meeting someone like u! Thank u for the experience LMFAOO I actually enjoyed how u responded. It was crazy LOLL I would never have expected to meet one this crazy.

There we go u didn't actually read my reply bruh this is just so embarrassing. Idk how ur so confused I started being defensive, like actually READ what u said all about me. Like actually read. U literally switch topics, from about this manhwa, to suddenly about me LMFAO So I don't get how ur so surprised I'm defending myself??
I see posts about this story being blown up on tiktok and there’s seriously some alarming people with gross mindsets. People hate sein because their excuse was, “he isn’t innocent, he wanted to do it with that teacher.” They seriously do not give af about him being groomed by a grown woman. That or they just don’t consider men to be able to victims at all as long as they had desire. They’ve gotta be brain dead. They accept Aida being groomed but not sein. Those people don’t realize how many teen girls also “consent” to being in a relationship with an adult man but everyone still considers those girls to be groomed even if they wanted it. Why can’t boys be treated the same when it comes to grooming?? It’s just so disgusting and those women hating him for it are seriously deranged. This must be why a lot of boys don’t ever consider themselves to be groomed by older women, cause it’s been implanted by others (including women) that boys can’t be SA/groomed.