Spoilers: With more detail, this is long so beware.
What everyone stated in the above.
So, the Father did as he stated. This party was only meant to be a birthday party for Penelope only. He did not invite Yvonne. The stupid eldest brother Derek brought her to the party uninvited because
1) he is under Yvonne's spell
2) He still doesn't trust Penelope because he is in denial of being in love with her [He's a fucken bastard. No redemption for him]
3) He feels that it isn't right for Yvonne to be left out as she is the 'real daughter' of the family and is horrified and upset at the Father for excluding her.
So, what did Yvonne do to ease the So call tension she created? She decided to offer a cup of toast to Penelope as it's only right for the Daughters to do so when it's the coming of age ceremony and under the pretense of wanting to get along with Penelope.
I don't recall if Vinter looked hazard like that because he was still dealing with the people who are after the kids or conflicted about Penelope ordering poison and thinks that she's going to use it on Yvonne. The MTL wasn't the best at clearing this part up.
Anyway, there are two cups that are presented by Yvonne I believe. A silver and gold cup. I don't remember which cup had the poison, but Yvonne offers the non-posion cup to Penelope because she knew about the poison Penelope got from Vinter. Don't remember if Vinter told Yvonne, but she found out and wanted to use this to frame Penelope for poisoning her.
Thankfully, Penelope was wearing the necklace that can detect poison and figured out Yvonne's plan. She was bitter and disappointed at Yvonne because Yvonne didn't need to go through all this trouble since she was planning to leave the moment the ceremony was done. Penelope had enough of the scheming and just wanted everything to end.
So, she took the cup that had poison in it instead of the cup Yvonne offered and smiles at her with a toast. Yvonne turns pale when she realized Penelope found out about her plan. The moment Penelope placed the cup against her lip, Crown Prince and Vinter were the only two who saw the change and tried to stop her but toooooooo late.
Penelope drinks the poison and starts puking out blood. Everyone at the parry panics. All of Penelope family except Derek, ran to her side calling for the doctor. The Crown Prince catches Penelope in his arm and told her to vomit the poison out but Penelope kept telling him to stop.
Penelope didn't want to be saved and fainted before she could stop them from saving her.
When she woke up, everyone was present and kept asking her why she drunk the cup while knowing it was poison. Derek was informed by Yvonne? That Penelope wanted to poison her, so he was confused and mad at Penelope for drinking the poison. He was convinced Penelope did it to get out of the suspicion of trying to harm Yvonne. The second brother punches and berate Derek because that doesn't make sense. The poison Penelope drunk was deadly poisonous. Penelope would have died if the Crown Prince didn't act as fast as he did.
Penelope told everyone she was tired of everything and just wanted to end it all. They wanted to know what would keep her alive because they don't want her to die. She told them she wants to leave the family. So the father, completely heartbroken because of his play in Penelope desire to end her life, finally agrees to let her go and remove her from the family as he failed to grant her wish time and time again. So, he didn't want to fail her last wish she ask of him.
There's more, but that pretty much sums up the heart aching sad scene that's coming up.
The up coming scene is going to break my heart.