
faun July 11, 2024 7:25 pm

i don't like the way they talk about multiple partners like "oh in this society is normal for alphas to have multiple wifes" BUT if the other partner doesn't know, then it's cheating, also...alphas can have more than one but does omegas can too? or this is just another version of: "men are men and women are sluts"?

    munchie July 11, 2024 9:28 pm

    All omegaverse is just gender play. The multiple partners for alphas(but usually not the main character’s alpha)cheating or otherwise is not even an uncommon thing in the genre

    faun July 12, 2024 5:10 am
    All omegaverse is just gender play. The multiple partners for alphas(but usually not the main character’s alpha)cheating or otherwise is not even an uncommon thing in the genre munchie

    yep, honestly i don't read much of omegaverse because i simply feel a indirect misoginy, and when i like one it's because the main couple was good or cute (even healthy) enough to you know...pretend that the shit isn't there

    munchie July 12, 2024 9:20 pm
    yep, honestly i don't read much of omegaverse because i simply feel a indirect misoginy, and when i like one it's because the main couple was good or cute (even healthy) enough to you know...pretend that the sh... faun

    It’s supposed to be like play on misogyny and all that but I agree it’s more fun when you can pretend it isn’t here. I read the spoilers for this story and I may drop it as well, the scales are a little too tipped in favor of the alpha in this one for me
