
satan's spinach lover July 11, 2024 2:33 pm

i love to keep readers on their toes and keep them in check. idk if yall know the manwha 'Beware of the Full Moon In March', but there were BRUTAL r4pe scenes in the beginning and now the seme did a full 360 personality switch. and its lowkey cringe. whatever, its funny bc whenever i comment abt the sa in the beginning, i can tell people forgot bc i literallty get RATIOED with the likes and dislikes like fym?????? like yes babe.... he did that.... him buying chocolates and faunting his money dont change that i fear!

    HollowBrat July 11, 2024 3:38 pm

    180. 360 would just be back where he started. If you don't like that type of story, just don't read it. Or learn to suspend disbelief, or lean into toxicity. This is why I think everyone needs a foundation in wattpad before they start reading manga like this. You learn to like a fictional red flag, kicking your feet and blushing at possessive lines. And then you imagine if a real man said that to you. THEN you throw up and cringe.

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 3:41 pm
    180. 360 would just be back where he started. If you don't like that type of story, just don't read it. Or learn to suspend disbelief, or lean into toxicity. This is why I think everyone needs a foundation in w... HollowBrat

    Chile if u fantasize abt rape just say that. and ur right it wouldve been an 180

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 3:41 pm
    180. 360 would just be back where he started. If you don't like that type of story, just don't read it. Or learn to suspend disbelief, or lean into toxicity. This is why I think everyone needs a foundation in w... HollowBrat

    also why not cringe at both

    HollowBrat July 11, 2024 3:45 pm
    Chile if u fantasize abt rape just say that. and ur right it wouldve been an 180 blunt in booty

    I mean so do you, since you're still reading it, right?

    HollowBrat July 11, 2024 3:46 pm
    also why not cringe at both blunt in booty

    If you stopped reading stuff you didn't like, you'd probably only have to cringe at one

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 3:54 pm
    I mean so do you, since you're still reading it, right? HollowBrat

    no lol, dont group me in with u. i rarely read it, only to see the comments and laugh...i dont understand why people get so butthurt over this take like...arent i doing community service? i remind people that there has been rape in stories because i literally have had people tell me that coercion isn't rape on this website lol (after i sent them gov offical documents from the 70s stating the different types of rape). desensitization at its finest. whenever i say something like this the only thing they have to say is "welll you like rape toooooooooo >.<" also like half of the people on this site r minors or lonely adults.

    poopsicle July 11, 2024 4:40 pm

    hmm honestly i respect ur take and it IS justified. i’ve seen a lot of opinions like urs and i wanna try and understand;; in the manhwa, the r*pe scene was the driver of the plot. it’s how we come to understand the characters more, esp. nakwon’s shift in attitude. author didn’t include r*pe scene for smut but for telling a story. viewers acknowledge this, and accept nakwon’s char development (he a bit of a psycho) but also mokhwa’s thoughts asw. realistically speaking, there is no way in hell a r*pe victim will fall in luv w their r*pist but this is a fictional story so the humans do not do totally human things, altho author has explained it using a timeline of emotions. r*pe in yaoi is inevitable bc females like to see male domination. viewers enjoy it bc its fiction and it is not irl. desensitisation to it is evident in the comment sections but def not irl, so i js wanna understand why ur not ok w it ? (sry if this doesnt make sense)

    poopsicle July 11, 2024 4:59 pm
    hmm honestly i respect ur take and it IS justified. i’ve seen a lot of opinions like urs and i wanna try and understand;; in the manhwa, the r*pe scene was the driver of the plot. it’s how we come to unders... poopsicle

    ** i mean, males getting dominated not male domination (im half asleep)

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 5:03 pm
    hmm honestly i respect ur take and it IS justified. i’ve seen a lot of opinions like urs and i wanna try and understand;; in the manhwa, the r*pe scene was the driver of the plot. it’s how we come to unders... poopsicle

    i actually love ur perspective and the way u explained it. ur right, the biggest problem is the obsession of male dominance in the female community. but unfortunately i have had many friends that were raped by people and ended up falling for them just for them to do it again. and desensitization can unfortunately alter ur perception. it does affect reality directly but it affects peoples perceptions. i just really wish these authors would stop making rape the seed of a plot, its so annoying. i understand people like it and a lot of people can overlook it but imo thats not healthy either. also considering the best manwhas/mangas i have read involve no rape but if there is rape involved its a flashback to help readers understand the characters trauma. thanks poopsicle sorry this just came to mind, i also find it problematic that some authors dont even call it rape, or have the victim acknowledge that they were raped (even though that is often what happens irl) it allows readers to overlook rape even further or go “was it really rape tho?” which only makes u end up sounding like a rapist.

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 5:08 pm
    hmm honestly i respect ur take and it IS justified. i’ve seen a lot of opinions like urs and i wanna try and understand;; in the manhwa, the r*pe scene was the driver of the plot. it’s how we come to unders... poopsicle

    also i appreciate u for not getting on my case n trying to make it seem like i like rape too

    poopsicle July 11, 2024 5:46 pm
    i actually love ur perspective and the way u explained it. ur right, the biggest problem is the obsession of male dominance in the female community. but unfortunately i have had many friends that were raped by ... blunt in booty

    oh yikes, i’m sorry to hear abt ur friends’ situations. that’s interesting how you say it alters their perceptions though. i don’t have any relations w r*pe victims so i can’t rly empathise but i do agree that yaoi seems to lighten the reaction surrounding r*pe, like the uke thinking that it was a consensual act and everybody acting normal abt it. irl, ppl probs say ‘i did say stop but…’ and then carry on w a normal relationship. i’d say that depending on how violent and forceful it was & the reaction afterwards, some women (n men) just believe it to be a blip in their relationship and it isn’t that deep to them cos of mutual feelings. so i kind of feel that ppl have different definitions of r*pe depending on their boundaries of what they find is ok or not. since u’ve interacted w r*pe victims, i can understand ur viewpoint n why ur not ok w it. but other ppl may be ok w it becoz they havent experienced it before (like i). so it truly is our inexperience w the issue which results in our indifference and lack of empathy. i guarantee u if any r*pe or SA incident were to happen to any reader, we would not read yaoi in the same light again and that’s to be expected.

    poopsicle July 11, 2024 6:01 pm

    for a lot of female readers (if i may delve into psychology), seeing men getting dominated is appealing because either lack of attention from men or bad interactions w men or feministic tendencies. i think r*pe is like an extreme extension of that - just to satiate momentary horngy desires, nothing more nothing less (to general audience at least). for a lot of the female community, yaoi’s like a way to cope w reality using toxic content to compel us into a no-thoughts-only-react sort of state. i do agree that it has shallow representations in manhwa, but since most of us haven’t experienced it for ourselves + the fact that it’s fiction, it doesn’t affect our real lives except for entertainment… which is weird, and that’s the whole premise for the community. a bunch of mentally questionable women… (on another note: it’s kind of naturally permanent ignorance. no matter what, we can’t empathise w how real r*pe victims/urself feel… if that makes sense)

    poopsicle July 11, 2024 6:10 pm
    also i appreciate u for not getting on my case n trying to make it seem like i like rape too blunt in booty

    no problem

    blunt in booty July 11, 2024 7:40 pm
    for a lot of female readers (if i may delve into psychology), seeing men getting dominated is appealing because either lack of attention from men or bad interactions w men or feministic tendencies. i think r*pe... poopsicle

    (this may be long sorry )

    it's important to recognize that sexual harassment and assault are disturbingly common. studies show that 97% of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault. this statistic shows that even if someone hasn't personally experienced it, they def know someone who has. given this reality, it's difficult to argue that media portrayals of rape don't affect real-life perceptions and attitudes. u said desensitization and how those who haven't experienced assault might have a more indifferent attitude towards it in fiction. media, including BL, doesn't exist in a vacuum; it influences and shapes societal norms and attitudes. when rape is depicted as a precursor to romance or is not acknowledged as a serious violation, it risks normalizing that behavior and minimizing the gravity of the issue.

    while fiction allows for creative freedom, it also carries the responsibility of representing serious issues with the weight they deserve. romanticizing or trivializing rape can desensitize readers, dulling their empathy and potentially leading to misconceptions about consent and healthy relationships. this can have real-world consequences, as it shapes how people perceive and react to these situations.

    the idea that people might have different definitions of rape based on their personal boundaries is complex. however, rape, by definition, is a violation of consent, and minimizing or questioning this in any context can be harmful. the normalization of questioning whether something is "really rape" perpetuates victim-blaming and can invalidate the experiences of survivors.

    poopsicle July 12, 2024 3:08 am
    (this may be long sorry )it's important to recognize that sexual harassment and assault are disturbingly common. studies show that 97% of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault. this s... blunt in booty

    (no worries if it’s long, i’m glad i can finally have an actual discussion about this lol)

    i agree with everything you’ve said and it is true that r*pe should be taken more seriously in real life. i think in recent years, sex ed has been incorporating more complex topics around consent even in non-sexual acts. r*pe for women has always been sort of normalised or glossed over due to our patriarchal society, which is to say it can become hard to speak up about it because a men-led society leads us to believe that it isn’t a big deal or that they become indoctrinated to believe it is so common and trivial that there’s no need to speak up about it.

    with BL and yaoi, i think the fact that it’s explicitly two men having a sexual relationship serves as some sort of underlying coping mechanism for this society we live in. so i do think it’s much more complex than ‘ok r*pe in a story, i’m out’. a large portion of this community are females, specifically young females that are asian or based in asian countries where a patriarchal system is still rampant and sex ed does not teach about consent. and also unlimited access to the internet. female friend circles. a lot of these factors initiate a desire to read BL or yaoi — stories that have characters on equal power footing instead of ‘oh, i’m just a girl >_< i need a man’. so for us, there is a definite line between fiction and reality. i’ve definitely seen more recently comments popping up revealing SA and r*pe in stories which do promote awareness and that i agree with. it’s important to acknowledge it. then we read more of the story because why? we want to know what happens afterwards, how the author progresses the plot, or to satiate horngy desires. if we wanted romance, we read BL. if we are just horngy, we read yaoi.

    many BL/yaoi authors are asian and have a skewed view on consent or r*pe when it comes to fictional men. it may or may not be the innate woman in them. they curate stories and the readers can perceive it in whatever way they want which i agree can be problematic, esp. to minors. this is the basis of accessible media — ppl are free to interpret things differently based on their personal pov/experience/biases/values. there’s always gotta be the bad apples; in yaoi world this is like ignorant girls in comment sections glorifying brutal r*pe BECAUSE they don’t know any better (and don’t have any good relationships w men). there’s a reason why ppl read yaoi with noncon rather than straight smut where the female is getting dominated n violated. it be 2 fictional men, that are so unrealistically portrayed that it isn’t even a representation of reality nor does it lead into it being so. it feels like an alternate universe where instead of women being toys, it’s men.