Yes and whats worst is our innocent, naive Inseob had just gone out to get a cake for seme's birthday while seme was going crazy thinking Inseob had left him so he was running around everywhere crazy and mad af. Plus, there was an accident near their hotel where the one who got injured looked like the uke and seme was going crazy. For a moment he thought that was uke.
Prior to this they had both just solved some misunderstanding if I'm not mistaken. When they landed in hawaii and were settled and they were going for a walk in the beach seme tries to really confirm ukes feelings to which uke doesnt respond and as usual shit happens. Things go downhill from here cause seme gets slightly physical but when he notices himself and the uke, he just leaves im anger. Uke goes back to his room, becomes a crying mess the whole night and, seme is no where to be seen. (More shit hapoens) cause uke gets thrown into water, those female crew or manager where there, seme yet again gets kinds jelly but this time her under control. Seme becomes slightly soft later on saying was it him that made him cry so much that his eyes is swollen. Some cute moments here and there cause... If I'm not wromg its this part wherr they basically confirm their feelings and then boom. *Smex* as usualy but this one seemed concencual.
Later, in the morning after that hot steamy smex, seme had fo leave for some urgent work, reluctantly goes to work, leaves uke and then boom that crazy HAWAII SCENE of seme running around like a totaly Mad MANIAC happens. Its even captured in mews. Lmfao.
I've read the Novel & this gets way worst before it gets any better. Plus the constant nin dubious consent & technically r@pe. Sighs* Especially the hawaii scene.