I see, thank you for answering me! I looked over the raws, but there wasn't hiragana or katakana so I couldn't understand. But he looked very sad the entire time.
I wonder if it was a plot of her brothers for her to be killed. Not really a smart move tho. I read some spoilers and you can stop here if you want. But oh, if you are reading the novel, I am really sorry for being presumptuous since I just read spoilers on novel updates
Some people say that her actual brothers are the reincarnation of those ***. Hope Quentin is someone to protect her because I really like him.
Some say that the white knight is Cyril, but on the raws, her memory emerged when she met those brothers "red and... Forgot the other" once again. Her memories of a handsome guy wearing black but with light colour hair, I assume.
One who read the novel said that once when someone asked Fia about who she would marry with, she jokingly said Saviz. Their age matches perfectly too.
And apparently the black knight is Saviz, though I don't know. Particularly speaking I am tired of royalty and stuff so I hope her old allies are people like Quentin, the other captain whose name I forgot,
Desmond and such.

I had not read the novel but I enjoy spoilers so after what you wrote now I need to go to novel updates to see more. But it's not really surprising that her brother now is reincarnation of her brother from then cus he's such an asshole just like the one in the past. Thx for the spoilers need to read more of em

You're welcome!!
But there is something different too. Apparently once she disappeared and her sister started to search for her with a group of people. And her brother joined too.
It seems that Fia is much more loved than what she imagined...
And honestly, I don't like Cyril because of what he said "if you were a Saint you wouldn't think like that". Hope he finds out that she is and she rubbs it on his face (⌒▽⌒)
It's been a long time since I read the start, so could someone clarify this for me, please?
Doesn't anyone find it strange that Fia accepted Curtis/Canopus just like that? Didn't he and the other knights leave her to be tortured and die? Or was this part left unclear?
And if anyone has read the novel, who are the others?