
Katie July 11, 2024 10:27 am

I unknowingly dropping this 2 years ago it was aroundon 30 or 40 chapter, I thought it ended there

Context on how I unknowingly dropped this:
I was new to this site when I read this(this isn't the first that I read), so I really didn't know what to do, then I just suddenly forget about this and read others

Before I didn't know we get notifications if we put it on "reading" but when you put it to "want to read" we don't get notifications

    Geek Goddess July 24, 2024 2:48 am

    Ugh, I hate that so much. It's to the point where I put everything on "Reading" so that I can subscribe and get notifications. Then when I'm done reading, of course I put "Already Read".

    Katie July 24, 2024 7:34 am
    Ugh, I hate that so much. It's to the point where I put everything on "Reading" so that I can subscribe and get notifications. Then when I'm done reading, of course I put "Already Read". Geek Goddess


    Bree July 27, 2024 5:25 am
    SAMEEEE Katie

    Guys you can actually be updated regardless of list. U just have to make sure to check subscribe button whenever you're moving it to another group or saving it. I've had times where I read something that sounded good in the summary but wasn't for, then I put it on the already read section so I don't make the same mistake, only to be notified when it updates.

    Geek Goddess July 27, 2024 11:21 am
    Guys you can actually be updated regardless of list. U just have to make sure to check subscribe button whenever you're moving it to another group or saving it. I've had times where I read something that sounde... Bree

    When I put something to "Want to Read", there is no subscribe button for me, nor the stars where you can rate it. The subscribe and stars only show up for "Reading" and "Already Read". How do YOU (I mean you yourself) make the subscribe come up for "Want to Read"? This would help a lot. At least for me and possibly @Katie.

    Geek Goddess July 27, 2024 11:23 am
    When I put something to "Want to Read", there is no subscribe button for me, nor the stars where you can rate it. The subscribe and stars only show up for "Reading" and "Already Read". How do YOU (I mean you yo... Geek Goddess
