The thing is...

Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 7:40 am

Jo is kinda too healthy for Ian atp. Even if Ian deserves the kind of love Jo is going to give him, I'm not sure if he's ready or actually wants that kind of love. TJ and Ian are toxic for each other, yes but they can understand each other well. I ship Jo and Ian but idk if Ian atp is healthy for Jo. TT Also fuck that bastard for taking advantage of my baby Ian ╥﹏╥ imma kill that bastard ffs ヽ(`Д´)ノ
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ (I hope the author-nim will do each character justice TT give them peace pls )

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 7:50 am

    Given the turn Jo is taking as a character, I’m questioning your definition of “healthy”. And I don’t believe that any of this is about who is healthier. It’s simply about who Ian loves. All we know for now is

    - he might be subconsciously still in love with TJ (at least Jo believes that to be true and he has been accurately able to read Ian so far)

    - he likes when his partners are very intense/ a little obsessive about him (as we know because of his thought bubbles whenever he thinks about the way TJ looks at him and how he only started to have feelings for Jo after he saw that Jo was looking at him like TJ does)

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 9:41 am
    Given the turn Jo is taking as a character, I’m questioning your definition of “healthy”. And I don’t believe that any of this is about who is healthier. It’s simply about who Ian loves. All we know f... LaNansha

    Wdym? I meant in comparison to TJ.

    ... I am now confused. Don't you see that they have a trauma bond? Ian sleeps around. TJ is obsessed with him. He does love him but him loving Ian puts him in danger. Both of them seems to know that it won't work out, even though they can't stop. Ian left because he wanted to detach himself...

    And what is unhealthy about Jo to the point that it makes you wonder what "my healthy" means?

    When you are in an unhealthy relationship with someone it takes a troll on you, emotionally. Because you keep investing even though its not going to work out.

    And I had this problem while ago as well... When you have someone OBSESSED over you, you, with time see them in a different angle.

    Even if you don't wanna get into a relationship with them, when some potential partner comes along, you start to see them through the obsessed person.

    The thing is TJ and Ian have a lot of chemistry. They have history together, while Jo don't get that many chances to bond with Ian.

    I don't think Ian doesn't love TJ or anything... it feels like he still loves him,even if he knows it's not probably gonna work out. And it's sad.

    (IDK though if they end up together it's OK, because it's a story and I believe the author has a lot bundled for us... But I think Ian deserves happiness too)

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 10:07 am
    Wdym? I meant in comparison to TJ. ... I am now confused. Don't you see that they have a trauma bond? Ian sleeps around. TJ is obsessed with him. He does love him but him loving Ian puts him in danger. Both of ... Ashdash2025

    I mean Jo has started showing signs of obsession and possessiveness:

    1. By getting in the way of TJ and Ian’s reconciliation in the flashback shown in chapter 52 (flashback is from chapter 32). He is now gaslighting himself into believing that he does this for Ian’s sake when in reality, he’s also looking out for himself. Timeline wise, it was right before the Christmas party that Ian didn’t go to. In seconds, Jo realized the depth of Ian and TJ’s relationship and stepped in between them despite noticing that Ian had cried over TJ And that they were about to find each other and makeup.

    2. He pretended he cared about TJ and Ian’s relationship by advising Ian to respect TJ’s decision to stay away after TJ disappeared in Ian. Meanwhile, Jo figured that for him to truly have a chance with Ian, it’s better for him if Ian and TJ are apart.

    3. By ignoring Ian when he asked him to slow down during their camping sex (at one point, Ian thought about how it was hurting while Jo was thinking it felt good) and by continuing to have sex with Ian even after he noticed that Ian had passed out. Then essentially marking his territory by spraying his jizz on Ian’s face while he was knocked out.

    Say what you will about TJ, but he’s never made it a point to get in between Ian and his lovers because he’s aware of the boundaries Ian has set and is too afraid to lose him romantically to push him there. He also hasn’t shown any behavior that would push him into dub-consent territory when it comes to his sex life with Ian.

    As for you saying that TJ loving Ian puts him in danger, that is not a fact. Here are the facts:

    - Ian leaving the gang puts Ian in danger. In no world can a person leave the gang like that, unscathed, unless someone else is protecting them. That someone else is TJ.

    - Ian further put himself in danger by going to a gang leader’s funeral after TJ asked him not to. So it is in fact because Ian loves TJ that Ian is in danger. If he’d listened and hadn’t gone to the funeral to show that he stands by TJ, gang members wouldn’t think about him right now.

    - If he wasn’t going around looking for TJ And making his presence known, gang members wouldn’t be thinking about him right now.

    Also Ian likes when his men look at him with the intensity of obsession and possession. So what’s even the point of pretending he doesn’t want this, when that’s why he loves TJ and that’s why he started like Jo in the first place? So it’s not a healthy decision he needs to make. It’s simply a decision about whom he loves most.

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 10:11 am
    I mean Jo has started showing signs of obsession and possessiveness:1. By getting in the way of TJ and Ian’s reconciliation in the flashback shown in chapter 52 (flashback is from chapter 32). He is now gasli... LaNansha


    But you have a nice reading list

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 10:17 am
    Ok.But you have a nice reading list Ashdash2025

    Haha thanks. A very long one too

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 10:24 am
    Haha thanks. A very long one too LaNansha

    Fr! I went through it and even bookmarked a lot!

    Plumy July 11, 2024 11:42 am

    Crazy to say someone is too healthy for a relationship, Jo is currently an equal balance he's "healthy" and currently entering his obsessive era, he might do things differently compared to tj obsession. And its really crazy to bring up that ian and tj understand each other well when both actual don't as many assume, especially tj not understanding Ian as he tend to be selfish is a negative way rather than positive (ik that might not make sense but take 53 for ex Jo acted selfish but he thought it was for the best interest for Ian too)

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 1:14 pm
    Crazy to say someone is too healthy for a relationship, Jo is currently an equal balance he's "healthy" and currently entering his obsessive era, he might do things differently compared to tj obsession. And its... Plumy

    Wrong assessment of Ian and TJ's relationship there. They do in fact understand each other very well. It's because TJ understands Ian that he never steps on his toes when it comes to his other love interests. It's why he chose to walk away the moment he saw him with Jo, instead of walking up to them. It's why when Ian ended up in the hospital after TJ's thugs went overboard and broke his leg, Ian instantly knew that TJ had had something to do with it and stopped TJ from confessing the truth of what had happened. It's why TJ disappeared on Ian after the funeral, because he knew Ian wouldn't listen to him and keep showing up in dangerous places to look out for him. It's actually the first time Ian is surprised by something TJ did because he didn't expect TJ to choose to walk away in that situation. Jo acted selfishly about a relationship he knows very well about. He convinced himself that it was for the best interest of Ian, but it was mainly so he could take TJ's place in Ian's life. It's also why he recently told Ian to respect TJ's decision to stay away.

    Plumy July 11, 2024 1:39 pm

    Yea very doubtful as tj did that to be selfless, tj didn't walk away because he understood he walk away because in the end he ian gonna go back to him which happened, thats the advantage he has over ian. And that's what I mean by "positive" selfishness for Jo lol Ian hasn't gotten hurt by Jo selfish actions (yet)

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 2:06 pm
    Yea very doubtful as tj did that to be selfless, tj didn't walk away because he understood he walk away because in the end he ian gonna go back to him which happened, thats the advantage he has over ian. And th... Plumy

    "tj didn't walk away because he understood he walk away because in the end he ian gonna go back to him which happened,"...

    Uh... okay. Your comment is all about how that arc made you feel rather than the facts of the arc. If that's how you're reading the story, then do you I guess. I'd rather stick to what the author presents to me.

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 2:15 pm
    Crazy to say someone is too healthy for a relationship, Jo is currently an equal balance he's "healthy" and currently entering his obsessive era, he might do things differently compared to tj obsession. And its... Plumy

    When you are healthy and the other one is not, the toxicity seeps out to you.

    TJ is a mob.

    Ian left the environment because he didn't want it no more. Jo "asks" Ian to not sleep with others. Ian does. Jo says nothing. He could become obsessive,Yes.

    You know that people can be too toxic for relationships, Right? In the same way, it doesn't work out the other way around either. If someone is (kind of) pure compared to their partner, (in this case Ian-who used to be a mob/ killed people etc.) could not be a match to Jo. It could be because they don't have the same kind of environments.

    "he might do things differently compared to tj obsession"? What do you mean? You don't know things will turn out, do you?

    We all can assume different things.
    It's a manhua. Either way it'll end up with what the author wants it to.

    "And its really *crazy to bring up that ian and tj understand each other well when both actual*ly don't" it is not crazy. They do. They have been friends for such a long time. Partners. Though it is safe to say they don't understand each other 100%, to some extent they do. If they don't, they ain't friends.
    (There's a fact: when you spend time with someone more, you start to read their thought patterns, hence you start to predict what they are going to do, say etc. (just think. This is general knowledge. When you befreind someone and the friendship continues for a long time, won't you say that you understand them better than most people? I meant that kind of understanding.)

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 2:24 pm
    "tj didn't walk away because he understood he walk away because in the end he ian gonna go back to him which happened,"... Uh... okay. Your comment is all about how that arc made you feel rather than the facts ... LaNansha

    No fr though I was gonna comment the same thing... It felt like I was tryna educate an inexperienced teenager about love.

    Ashdash2025 July 11, 2024 2:27 pm
    I mean Jo has started showing signs of obsession and possessiveness:1. By getting in the way of TJ and Ian’s reconciliation in the flashback shown in chapter 52 (flashback is from chapter 32). He is now gasli... LaNansha

    As for this, I'll go through the whole thing once again and reply to this, since it's very clear and all are facts. I don't want to start a discussion when I don't remember things properly just to waste your time.

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 3:42 pm
    As for this, I'll go through the whole thing once again and reply to this, since it's very clear and all are facts. I don't want to start a discussion when I don't remember things properly just to waste your ti... Ashdash2025

    haha I do that as well.