Tbh lowkey don’t even remember the plot it’s getting hella boring I’m just here for ...

j_mango July 11, 2024 7:30 am

Tbh lowkey don’t even remember the plot it’s getting hella boring I’m just here for minu and onyu

    j_mango July 21, 2024 4:07 am
    Onyu and her potential boyfriend weren't in this story from the start. It's obvious that the op doesn't read the story, he/she just skip chapters searching for fluff. Also it is obvious that he/she is too young... seya-san

    Plus, I have read the story I read it for the plot but it’s just getting boring now. I said I low-key didnt remember but that doesn’t mean I fully can’t remember the plot. It’s never that deep to begin with. You’re starting something for absolutely no reason. You’re taking this way too seriously n you need to chill tf out .

    seya-san July 21, 2024 8:09 pm
    if op is commenting about it + going through the comments seeing the similar things being stated of this manhwa, i will assume op has read it..obviously. i think it’s dumb to make assumption they’re young o... autumn :3

    There were not any thought from the op. She just said that she doesn't remember the story, and doesn't want anything but the one couple. The reason to like them is simple, they're cute. I assume that she is skipping because it's hard to forget if you've really read something before. The op's age is obvious due the way she is speaking.

    So are you personally okay if the comment section will turn into: "aaaaa, I loooove it", "ooooo, I hate it because I love fluff", "guuuiiii"? Is it really what you want? "Before you speak, ask yourself is it necessary, does it improve the silence?".

    I'm okay with thoughts and opinions, I'm not okay with short thoughtless comments because they don't give others anything. Comments section looks like an irritation or adoration place nowadays, but there is nothing to read or talk about.

    As for your age, I'll give you around 16-19. But it's not that obvious like the op's age. I gave you 19-21 yesterday, but right now I think you're younger. Am I right?

    autumn :3 July 21, 2024 9:55 pm
    There were not any thought from the op. She just said that she doesn't remember the story, and doesn't want anything but the one couple. The reason to like them is simple, they're cute. I assume that she is ski... seya-san

    we are going in circles atp ?? how do they speak LITERALLY ITS TEXT???? i be like that highkey cause sometimes the side couple be better i fear…accept that and MOOOVE ON!!!!

    honestly yeah i’ve never read this story LMFAAOO it won’t bother me if ppl wish the story went in a diff direction sometimes they js don’t hit right. not like op is sending death threats to the author and seeing how ur defending it THISS much i might as well assume you’re the one writing this

    hah..i’m 17..

    seya-san July 22, 2024 4:53 pm
    Plus, I have read the story I read it for the plot but it’s just getting boring now. I said I low-key didnt remember but that doesn’t mean I fully can’t remember the plot. It’s never that deep to begin ... j_mango

    Okay, I just don't like current tendency to cry about every single chapter. It's hard to be an author when the audience tell you how to write your stories. I prefer opinions, not the meaningless facts like "Idon't like/I doesn't like". Maybe it's only my vision.

    seya-san July 22, 2024 5:07 pm
    we are going in circles atp ?? how do they speak LITERALLY ITS TEXT???? i be like that highkey cause sometimes the side couple be better i fear…accept that and MOOOVE ON!!!! honestly yeah i’ve never read th... autumn :3

    You speak through your text. Likewise I knew your age, your sex, despite the fact you haven't told me. I regret I didn't say 17 yesterday, I erased my last sentence: "I'd say 17, if I should to choose one".

    Well. You are arguing, but you didn't read this story. I see. That's why you are talking about couples, etc. There were not any couples from the start. The characters started to like each other later, but it's still not the main line. This story wasn't about romantic love, so the author is true to herself from the start till the current chapter. But the audience wish for this one small part of the latest story without the main one.

    I pity this author and others. The audience this days is no good. If audience tell author how to write, it's a bad signal for the whole industry.

    autumn :3 July 22, 2024 5:17 pm
    You speak through your text. Likewise I knew your age, your sex, despite the fact you haven't told me. I regret I didn't say 17 yesterday, I erased my last sentence: "I'd say 17, if I should to choose one".Well... seya-san

    atp tell me where i live cause goddamn

    isn’t this silly though they’re hs teens like when is it ever that srs over another person lolol, either way i don’t think this is something that is so trivial that should wreck you personally the way it is. whether or not the author stuck to their plot, no one is forced to like the way it’s being written out.

    autumn :3 July 22, 2024 5:26 pm
    Okay, I just don't like current tendency to cry about every single chapter. It's hard to be an author when the audience tell you how to write your stories. I prefer opinions, not the meaningless facts like "Ido... seya-san

    isn’t that quite literally what an opinion is what are u talking abt