It’s not even that

Grey Goo July 11, 2024 7:23 am

I’m not completely against any form of rape in fiction (I hold Back to School as the gold standard in BL on how it can be handled well), but that in this particular story, it comes out of nowhere and is completely irrelevant to the characters and plot. It’s barely an after thought and the RAPE is going to never be properly addressed. You can tell by how nonchalantly the chapters afterward treated it. The only thing that’s being taken seriously is the drug use, and just my opinion, but I don’t think drugs are worse than rape. This rape was, like many others, was just a cheap ploy for the leads to bang early without any actual effort writing wise. Hate sex is a thing! You can have consensual hate sex if the authors want violent sex so badly, it just takes a little more work to get there. Buh.
