Is TJ end game? Maybe?. Here's why.

Puto July 11, 2024 5:59 am

Tj is a character used for the plot. Although jo and TJ seems to be pitted against eachother and the juxtaposition of their similarities to having incredible mind blowing sex with IAN. their differences such as man who knoes ian and boy who loves ian both guys have a BIG romantic infliction to Ian, the writer is writing out TJ as the character to explore Ians past and hot sexy homoerotica. And substance abuse. However the thing is TJ is Ian's past. Jo is presented in the present and Ian's future so even though Tj and Ian are both very right but toxic in their own way. Jo and TJ pinning for Ian is how we get to see how our main irresistible bottom end up like. Ultimately it is with a heavy heart I theorize that TJ doesn't really end up with Ian, maybe he will be the one that got away? Or the right person wrong time. With Jo we know he is a constant person that is going to STAY in Ian's life whether Ian's wants him to or not. As we've seen before. TJ is not waiting for Ian or going to stay for his sake. TJ got grown up things to do. If men wanted to they would and of course big daddy TJ has proven to us Ian isn't his only priority ( which is healthy) and jo seems to wait on Ian hand and foot even though he suffered from knowing how much Tj has been with Ian. (please have a sexy threesome)

    LaNansha July 11, 2024 7:43 am

    It’s funny how your take has absolutely nothing to do with my own understanding of how the characters are used to convey the story or with the synopsis as intended by the author. The fact is, TJ And Ian’s histories are way too intertwined so we cannot know the truth about one character without also finding out about the other. However TJ Very much remains a part of Ian’s present as well as his past. Even as far as Jo is concerned, many of Ian’s decisions are motivated by his experience with TJ.

    - wanting to move out of town: to put some distance between him and a life that made him question his own sense of morality because he didn’t feel guilt after taking a man’s life.

    - refusing to leave town: because he needs to find TJ and look after him (as this was portrays in his decision to go to the funeral in the first place)

    - starting to spend more time with Jo: only because TJ disappeared on him

    - realizing he might have real feelings for Jo: as they began to spend time together after TJ’s disappearance, Ian noticed that the way Jo looked at him reminded him of the intensity with which TJ always looks at him. He’s always loved that intensity with TJ and he wants to know if his feelings for Jo are in anyway similar, so he took the time to go on that camping trip with him

    This to me shows that it is in fact Jo who is used to show Ian what his options are and if he truly wants a life away from TJ or not. However even with his decision to leave, I don’t believe it’s ever been about leaving TJ. It was always just about him making his own, better choices.

    JakeG July 11, 2024 7:43 am

    I meant to like... Sorry. ╥﹏╥

    JakeG July 11, 2024 8:32 am
    It’s funny how your take has absolutely nothing to do with my own understanding of how the characters are used to convey the story or with the synopsis as intended by the author. The fact is, TJ And Ian’s h... LaNansha

    "I don’t believe it’s ever been about leaving TJ. It was always just about him making his own, better choices."
    This is so true, you phrased it really well.
    I do agree with some statements in the original comment too (or find it interesting in a way), but thank you for commenting this.
    Maybe Jo is a bit more of a constant person than TJ - or maybe just young, hopeful, romantic and a bit desperate? He doesn't have a baggage to carry, he can show and hold on his love more easily than Ian for example who's always on the run (from other people and himself too.) Yes, TJ has his own wants and needs, although I do believe he has Ian as his priority, he just has a lot of other things to deal with and other goals he set. (Now that I think about it, his goals are also all connected to Ian, haha.)

    Let's not forget that they have some age gap and Jo had a nice cute upbringing (not a bad thing!!!), while TJ- and Ian had a really traumatising childhood.

    Ian wants to break free from the world that put dirt on their soul, but he does not want to break from TJ. (TJ on the other hand doesn't want to leave the gang, nor Ian, it's a devilish circle...)

    So I have to agree with the second comment, TJ is not simply just part of Ian's past, or a substitute. They sacrificed a lot in their lives for each other, which will always tie them together. I find their relationship so bittersweet. And as we get to know more and more, it gets more and more heart wrenching.
    I cannot really put it in words well, but I think TJ is the "base" for Ian. In a good and bad way too.
    But while Ian can choose, I don't think that for TJ (or even for Jo, but he's still young) there's anyone else but Ian. The two of them - TJ and Jo - are really similar in a lot of ways. TJ is just already used to these games.

    And it's really true what @LaNansha wrote with the intensity of TJ's and Jo's looks - I think Ian finds comfort in Jo's looks and efforts, because TJ also diligently followed him even just with his eyes almost his whole life.
    That doesn't mean Ian doesn't like Jo, it just means that we are always looking for what we're familiar with - even though we want to break free from it from time to time.

    Puto July 11, 2024 2:39 pm
    It’s funny how your take has absolutely nothing to do with my own understanding of how the characters are used to convey the story or with the synopsis as intended by the author. The fact is, TJ And Ian’s h... LaNansha

    I love your interpretation about how jo shows Ian's options. I agree the story has to deal with Ian's own choices, but it seems like Ian is self sabotaging himself really. When he goes back to TJ it makes him questioning his morality completely bull shit. Albeit, he is learning to leave behind the gang life. And that's why in my personal take Ian has to leave TJ behind, because asking TJ to leave when he basically built the gang syndicate would be like telling TJ to give up his life.

    Puto July 11, 2024 2:44 pm
    "I don’t believe it’s ever been about leaving TJ. It was always just about him making his own, better choices."This is so true, you phrased it really well. I do agree with some statements in the original co... JakeG

    Honestly love your user Pic and name lol. I hope shutting updates quickly. I agree my take seems cynical, but I honestly think the writer themselves wants what we readers want, a sexy threesomme with tj Ian and jo.

    JakeG July 11, 2024 4:04 pm
    Honestly love your user Pic and name lol. I hope shutting updates quickly. I agree my take seems cynical, but I honestly think the writer themselves wants what we readers want, a sexy threesomme with tj Ian and... Puto

    Haha, thank you. :))
    Well, we all have our own interpretations and opinion, and I think it's totally cool. :)
    I only want them to stay alive... the bar is really low for me, haha.