Bruhhhh kinda pissed

OogaBooga July 11, 2024 4:14 am

They treated Habibi so bad but I'm glad they reconciled and became happy together.

Just pissed with the fact that they mistrust her right away, didn't cut her the slack or listened to her side.

Of course she would react that way like any human in distress (stress from both personal life and work) upon knowing her pet can turn into human. When as to Haru and his bride had a misunderstanding they tried to talk it off and made it up right away. Haru should known better, he spent majority of his life under Habibi's care (lmao even Habibi's busy all the time)

Plus Baeksol have seen how Habibi cared for Haru and him when they were still bunnies, wasn't that genuine enoughshe even tried her best to save them asap upon realizing her choices were wrong.

I hated how she had to suffer through all that depression why Haru and his bride were busy being lovey dovey doebsjdjsjdizbo

I love you Habibi, you are valid, I hope in your universe you meet someone and be happier than anyone else(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
