
Shou July 11, 2024 2:32 am

Can't wait for Yuther "barged" a visit to a certain grumpy "brother" pharmacist.

also, did Kishiar shrunk a bit? in their body profile Yuther was around 180-182 cm while Kishiar was ... around 198-200 cm?

    I might be a Dumbo 2 July 11, 2024 11:50 am

    But that's barley 20 cm difference...?
    And 20 cm is what ... a head ... half a head ...?
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Maybe height differs while drawing from different angles...?

    Shou July 12, 2024 11:06 am
    But that's barley 20 cm difference...?And 20 cm is what ... a head ... half a head ...? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭Maybe height differs while drawing from different angles...? I might be a Dumbo 2

    20 cm is "slightly" less than the distance from the tip of your thumb to your pinky's tip when you spread your palm.
    so, for rough estimate, you can just place your vertically-spread palm on top of your head then look at the highest point =w=

    I might be a Dumbo 2 July 12, 2024 12:09 pm

    But they are not standing THAT so close

    Yah if they were hugging Yuder would be just at Kishiar's chin he could easily rest his head on the chest or Kishiar could reast his head
    on Yuder's head OR Yuder could come up to his nape ....Ahem ...
    Anyways let's end this here as the distance between my thumb tip and pinki tip is only 16 cm