He isnt, this is just grooming. Manipulation must be subtle at first to work, and it typically get worse over time. If you cant sense it here, be careful irl please, becouse it is seriosuly good written and anyone who does not see this here must learn to be more vigilant for their own safety. I worry every time I see comments from people who don't notice the early signs of toxicity and manipulation here. Stay safe

i think those last few chapters shows this because minho was breadcrumbing and seducing him. Do not forget about the reason woojin is living with him. Minho told woojin exactly what he wanted from him in the beginning. Through the chapters of the flashback, minho is hot and cold and that can be a form of manipulation as woojin is becoming more needy/clingy. When @Cerduco said it starts subtle this is were the nice comments, light seducing thru affection, etc… then drawing a firm line (kind of like breadcrumbs). This is not Minho completely falling for minho but he does notice things in woojin that he doesn’t see in others. Minho is just a patient manipulator. Once u completely play into the role he wants for you the less he will try to hid his cruel ways /intentions (scenes of their relationship 7yrs later) This slow work creates total dependency whether it’s shelter, finance, sex, and emotion and takes a huge toll on confidence (not that woojin had much in the first place

CORRECTION: This is not Minho completely falling for Woojin but he does notice things in woojin that he doesn’t see in others.
Adding: We also see that before the flashback when Minho kicks woojin out it’s like “i’m teaching you a lesson and youll come back because you need me”. Minho feels this jealousy because something that was his was slipped away from him
if he was so kind n shit in the beginning how tf did he become an asshole after