Chapter 37, It was dub-con at the start and explicitly non-con once Hohyun revoked his consent. Well to be fair all of their activities were dub-con, but that's not my point. I see some ppl who sympathize with Youngwon but can't do the same for Hohyun. If Youngwon's actions for choking and groping Hohyun due to regression was "understandable" then why Hohyun's wasn't? They called Hohyun a dumbass and unable to obey his senior, even though at the same time Youngwon himself never tried to explain anything to him.This situation is very complicated so you can't blame either of them.

I definetly understand the frustration when readers sympathize more for the ML since he's been thru smth traumatizing and kinda "blame" the MC/uke for not being nice or understanding to the ML. Like u said, no one can be blamed for this situation and since Hohyun can't remember what he and Youngwon's been thru, it's not his fault for being untrusting and wary of Youngwon. Especially since Youngwon won't tell Hohyun what happened.
Why do all the readers blaming Hohyun? he doesn't know anything about regression, and he was literally raped by Youngwon!. And from the start Youngwon is also not completely innocent, he took part in causing this entire accident.