A long yap session

ducke July 10, 2024 4:43 pm

I really hate that all that build up just for nothing, i know its for self reflection and other perspective but the ending? how did mc get together with Touma? i knew something wasn’t right when theyre debating and futaba wasnt shown as much like i thought they were just going to be friends but they suddenly got together? its not that im against gay relationship its just how did they? because being gay (or bi) isnt just something you just do specialty when you leave your girl for your bro? and its like 2 years, so that mean either touma still loves mc or they catched up and mc realizes his feelings.

Either way i think the ending sucks. theres no explanation when the whole plot for this manga is self acceptance but we didnt even get to see how they get married? and like futaba loved both of them. like really loved then they just broke up for what? i really dont understand.

Though based on a few words on the ending i think mc thought hes gay, on the other hand how did he loved futaba like i know he loved futaba very much but then that? its just blank its like making a good food just to throw it in the trash, good build up bad ending.

    Yuushana July 14, 2024 4:34 am

    I really agree with you. This manga is actually so good so I was really disappointed by the ending. If, at least, the author showed how they came to become a couple and how mc came to become attracted to a man years later, I would have accepted it right away. But it’s like you write something unconventional to make people actually think, and then you decide to end it on the most cliche ending note you can think of. What’s up with that.