lol did you read the story?? tj knows exactly what ian wants, and yeah he did stop him bc he's obsessed but now tj let ian go so idk why you're complaining. again, their relationship hasn't progressed not bc "tj can't see what ian wants" it's bc they literally cannot be together for the reasons mentioned in the story please read my god

tj never let Ian go and he doesn’t plan to anytime soon, now are you sure you're reading the story? If you're talking about him walking away, yeah no, he know Ian will come back to him and he uses that to his advantage. Also he doesn't know exactly what Ian wants and if he did, he seems to not care at all about it. It's a partial reason. The main reason is tj himself being selfish and acting like it's a selfless act and quilting tripping Ian which he confirms himself he's doing.
People acting like Jo is only infatuated with Ian makes me laugh, because no is more infatuated with Ian than tj, even when they first met. Both these leads got that same sensation when they first met Ian. Difference is the time of knowing each other and despite the time of knowing, Jo is able to read Ian more clearly in that short amount of time.