I think Jerry is misunderstanding the system a bit. The system doesn’t control their fee...

The Fujoushi pinkiepie July 10, 2024 11:40 am

I think Jerry is misunderstanding the system a bit. The system doesn’t control their feelings. It just shows what they are feeling, and the level of their feelings in a statistical way that can be comprehended.

Even the system was not as advanced as their feelings. When 100 was the max the feeling could be weighed. They went over that a lot of times, and sometimes the system was confused by the complexity of the feelings that it gave question marks. (???)

I think Jerry is a bit slow, and needs to realize that the system isn’t omnipotent.

Humans are more complex than machines.

    AnonymousFudanshi July 10, 2024 12:13 pm

    yeah its definitely his biggest flaw, the fact that he still sees his situation like a game instead of real life