I would like to point out that that guy calling A "babe" and "honey" is so unnatural and m...

Soti July 10, 2024 11:20 am

I would like to point out that that guy calling A "babe" and "honey" is so unnatural and makes my skin crawl. I have always had it in for him ever since I found out he didn't even see Yi Yun as human but just a faceless potato-head who was always hanging around his brother, but still had the effrontery to try to use Yi Yun to make Feng jealous.

At first I tried to be tolerant because A's family don't seem to mind their impending relationship judging by the conversation A's mother had with the brother, but it still seems off to me because the relationship looks like it sprung up from nowhere.

The only thing I am thankful for is that his obsession with A and his presence there is a relief for me because it doesn't seem like green hair and purple hair would be able to protect A. Green hair is too judgemental and isn't taking the task seriously while purple hair is too distracted by his fights with green hair.

The author could have just shipped A with the purple-haired guy since he seems like a decent character and shipped A's brother with that despicable green-haired gossipy guy because they seem like a match to me.

In fact, we don't need any more ships in this story. We have had enough. The author is dragging it out at this point. Pull the plug already.

    PinksNPunks July 11, 2024 11:07 am

    So true about the big brother being all “babe/honey” to A like dude why are u immediately setting up nicknames with ur “past” little bro creepy af

    PinksNPunks July 11, 2024 11:09 am

    + also agree with the somewhat new ship

    Soti July 14, 2024 7:33 am
    + also agree with the somewhat new ship PinksNPunks

    Oh well. I am only reading it for the main couple right now and I really hope the author wraps up this new ship dynamic very quickly.