BATATA July 13, 2024 11:16 am

Yeah bitch, fk you sawaragi, you're the most annoying out of everyone and that bob cut blondie, she's trashiest one there also pedo shibe son, he is a dumbass!!!
The way black haired girl acts, get on my nerves, she's quick to change sides and bitch acts like a righteous one, she doesn't even use brain.
Those who didn't even know yuuichi showed more trust in him than his trashy so-called friends.
They are not his friends, fk you, fk you all, yeah yuuichi did bad but so what, you fkers are the one who's more disgusting!!!!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Also it'll be funny if the real traitor is black haired girl.
