loveletters July 10, 2024 10:05 am

I can never underatand why people read something they don't like.
I'm reading the raws and I know about the nip cutting. The last chapter.. I have no opinion tbh. I didn't feel anything reading it.
I like this manhwa because I feel like it's realistic when it comes to prison violence. It's made for a specific audience -either people who like gross, violent stories or are okay with them. If you're triggered or super disgusted by it, do yourself the favor and stop reading.
Mainly, what I wanted to say is that I'm waiting for the author to finish it (not anytime soon I hope) so I can collect my thoughts and judge it as a whole. It would be so interesting to see them out of prison. So far it's just sex and violence but the characters are complex and I like their dynamics. It would be more interesting if white-haired ended up actually loving mc -that's what I was expecting at first, instead of him wanting to hurt him, even more than Jinki.. I was really rooting for him so it's disappointing. Honestly, since the chapter when he shared his fantasies, Icouldn't look at him the same and he started to just kinda gross me out. He's just a little shy, psycho pervert. Jinki has more of a connection with mc and I never thought I'd say it but they have more chemistry.
At first, white haired and mc had more going on and I liked how nice he was but yeah..

I still really really like this story. It's very original, the artstyle is just my taste and most importantly, I'm curious about what happens next

    nen July 10, 2024 1:02 pm

    Honestly so true I did exactly that with jinx couldn't tolerate it so I just left it just cause a manhwa is "popular" or "trending" doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your inner peace and read it smh

    Radioheadkitty July 10, 2024 1:37 pm

    Exactly and I hate the virtue signalling in the comments, if people don’t like it they can just stop reading there’s no need to shame the rest of us who are interested :P