Bro don't treat him like he's your exs

Grilledchicken July 10, 2024 9:03 am

Just bc your exs cheated on you doesn't mean this guy is and not to mention you don't even have any proof other than something you overheard. Also why are you upset that this guy isn't outting someone? Why would he do something so mean? And wym "random guy" it could be a family member or very close friend and you want your man to out them to you just bc you're jumping to conclusions? And if he did out them you wouldn't even trust him anymore w any secrets. Wym straight man bro ts piss me off he's probably demisexual so who even are you to judge him like as if he's not "gay enough" to be taken seriously. Not to mention calling him hetero like that in a derogatory manner is rude esp since he's gay he should kniw how it feels on the flip side Go get a therapist or just do some reflections and change yourself. You're finally in a good relationship but you just wanna fuck it up again by treating him how you treated your exs when you've got no proper valid reasoning to accuse him if cheating idgaf how many ppl have cheated on you and lied in the past, that was them and this is him. Just sit down n chat bc both of you deserve happiness.
