Book 2:
The person that resemble sese in the last chapter in this manhua is not sese and he just the 100 descendants of sese also he is the prince of monaco. He does not have any collection of memories about ivy at all. *This really made me sad i thought they can be together in modern life* However, tissi yidi whish is the gardener in morriet family(ivy family) gave ivy the liquid of eye of horus and made she drink it and ivy back to egypt but she's in the differend body which is the most hated person by ramses which is princess ivy(ramses sister) that have different colour of hair and eye (gray hair and walnut eye). Againt sese does not know that soul of ivy is in his sister body. In this book the timeline is different because of ivy death in book 1 made ramses married the real queen of nefertari. However, ramses did dream about the blond hair and blue eye of nefertari. *From here you need to read the book because of many events that really interesting but i can tell the ending of this book*. Finally, remses found out that his sister is actually the real ivy but its too late because princess ivy died in the story. Princess ivy dies because she want to save sese from rama (Rama kidnapped her). Basically, ramses fault because he use his own sister to attack rama. Damn.
The plot is really beautiful and made you frustrated and sad. The longing feelings and she have to live in different body that not even person recognize her. Ivy have to watch sese with the other queen and hundred of concubine together. Also, the moment that sese found out his dead sister is the blond hair and blue eye nefertari at the end of story is reallyyyyy sadd. So i really recommend to read the book 2 in watpadd. Its really worth and made you cry.
In book 3 is continuation of book 2 which eventhough princess ivy dead in the story, the real ivy is still alive in future.
Book 3
Ivy felt grateful and relieved because ramses still alive eventhough ivy cant obtain his love. She grateful that history not changed because of her. So, ivy live her life in london with her family happily. This book introduce new character named winter which is princess ivy guard in book 2. Ivy met winter in london but he called himself as baron tiya. However, at last ivy found out that baron tiya is the real winter. Winter have the eye of the horus and they travelled back to the egypt. In this book ivy is in her own body that have blond hair and blue eye. In this book ramses found ivy (nefertari) and made her to live in the palace. Even ramses does not fully remember her but because of his dream he felt he want to keep ivy by his side. Ramses introduce to the citizens of thebes that nefertari is the reincarnation of princess ivy that have died in book 2. In this book shows the love and affectionate feeling of ramses towards blond hair nefertari. But ivy felt they not have that kind of relationship anymore and ivy does not want to change the history because ot the black hair nefertari already marry to ramses and have a daughter. In this book shows more complicated plot and shows the battle of kardishian between egypt and hattite (battle in book 1 which ramses died). Thus, ivy does not want ramses died again so her purpose mainly to the life of ramses. Because of this purpose ivy reject affectionate feelings from ramses and shows the dominant character of ramses because ramses want to keep ivy by his side. Also this time ivy pregnant and keep secret about it from ramses. Unfortunately, the unborn baby is killed by the servant of ivy named Duo. This plot made you feels mad at ivy and pity to ramses. At this time, ramsis totally disappointed to ivy because ivy does not care about his love towards him and also the their unborn child. A lot of things happened in book 3 as this book focus on the eye of the horus that ivy searched because she want to go back to the future. Ivy also try to run from ramses and at this time ramses finally remember all about blond hair and blue eye nefertari because of the pieces of eye of the horus that ivy kept. And last at the battle between egypt and hattite, ivy sacrifice herself and push yali (resembles ai xian) and they jumped towards the nile river because she want to stop the battle and save thousand of egypt army. Then after this tragedy, ramses made all of his servants looking for ivy but no one can find her. After this events, shows the depressed ramses for 10 years without ivy. He always go to the nile river like a mad person and made 100 of paper boat with lights towards the river. The ending of this book and conclude all prequels of the story is after 10 years ivy come back to ramses and weirdly ivy does not age at all (ivy found the eye of horus and this plot is quite complicated because it connected to winter). So, ramses did marry ivy and made ivy as the great queen of pharaoh (greater than queen nefertari) and called her as Isis-Neft. They married only for 10 years because ivy have a heart disease. However, they have 3 children. The first prince is the heir of the throne, second son is the priest in karnak temple and 4 yeard old princess. The moment that ivy died made ramses totally in grief. Ivy dead when ramses at the age of 50 yeard old. Damn im crying really hard when this scene happen and the author shows the last conversation between ramses to the dead ivy beyond sad.
In book 3 shows the most interesting events that conclude the story. The mixed feelings between happy, sad, pity, mad made me as reader felt the author really made a great job in making this prequels. The tragedy in all books different from the other manhua/manga which focus to the romance of the protaganists of the story. In book 3, many events that i cant describe through words. For the fans of Pharaoh's Concubine, I recommend to read all the books of this masterpiece story in watpadd. However, the translation is quite disappointed but can be understood. To the dear author i hope all of this books can be adopted in manhua. I really want to see the art in book 2 and book 3 even i already read it.
Idk if there are ppl that’s still interested in it but I found out that this manhua has seasons 2 and 3 in its novel.
If you do want to read it here’s the link below :
If you don’t want to read it I’ll just put down some spoilers from a novel forum <3