
joufflues July 10, 2024 4:32 am

you know what?? fuck you. i actually cannot forgive this fucker for the olive tree shit, like i love the story and im rereading it, but everytime they bring up the olive tree they burned i get so debilitatingly upset, like that shit pisses me off so bad, and like, sure he apologized, but like, that was NOT enough.

    broke college student July 10, 2024 5:20 pm

    i agree that it's super upsetting, but i think there's nth much for theo to do other than to carry that guilt for the rest of his life. and i think it all kinda came full circle, since their love story actually culminated in the rebuilding of langeres. seth/seram is also a very spiritual character, so i find it very believable that his forgiveness and loving nature has brought happiness to all parties involved, even to their respective territories :) yknow that cheesy shit they say, holding grudges only hurts yourself bc nth changes even after revenge is achieved. just a different perspective i had

    gojo satoru July 11, 2024 7:22 am

    u can’t really blame him since it’s the emperor’s fault. i love all of them especially theo and seth/seram. plus it is also fate for him to have regrets and stuff since marianne (seram’s mother & atali’s lover) already told him that it’s alright. it’s really fate for them to meet and do things that they will regret. ALSO, theo didn’t really know what the olive tree was for so it’s natural for seth to understand and forgive him. (he also sense that theo is regretting it a lot. he will forever bring the regrets he had for the rest of his life and i’m fine with that)

    gojo satoru July 11, 2024 7:24 am
    u can’t really blame him since it’s the emperor’s fault. i love all of them especially theo and seth/seram. plus it is also fate for him to have regrets and stuff since marianne (seram’s mother & at... gojo satoru

    plus i’m so glad seth/ seram is a whole green forest. theo too but seth is another level be mad at theo all u want but it doesn’t change the fact that SETH already forgiven him

    joufflues July 11, 2024 6:53 pm
    u can’t really blame him since it’s the emperor’s fault. i love all of them especially theo and seth/seram. plus it is also fate for him to have regrets and stuff since marianne (seram’s mother & at... gojo satoru

    i agree that theres nothing else to do besides guilt and move on (also in response to the first reply), and i love that seram is what he is, but also... is it the emperors fault really??? emperor is responsible for pretty much everything bad going on, true lmao, but.... did the emperor really say "yeah, go burn down that one big-ass olive tree in particular", or was it done as a way of basically tea-bagging langeres, done by theo and his troops??