is this incest or what

mars July 10, 2024 3:49 am

is this incest or what

    leeenous July 10, 2024 5:10 am

    it would be called incest if they are blood related. which they arent. but theyre brothers by... adoption... so... i guess not incest.

    Jaxx July 10, 2024 6:17 am
    it would be called incest if they are blood related. which they arent. but theyre brothers by... adoption... so... i guess not incest. leeenous

    it's incest if they are family

    Jaxx July 10, 2024 6:17 am
    it's incest if they are family Jaxx

    u do not have to be blood related for it to be consider incest

    auroroa July 10, 2024 7:48 am
    u do not have to be blood related for it to be consider incest Jaxx

    nope im not defending this weird ahh manhwa or anything but thats wrong, you need to be biologically related for it to be incest. if you're come from two diff parents then it ain't incest

    NutterButter July 10, 2024 8:44 am
    nope im not defending this weird ahh manhwa or anything but thats wrong, you need to be biologically related for it to be incest. if you're come from two diff parents then it ain't incest auroroa

    Nah it’s still incest. They were raised together as siblings. its just disgusting. Maybe it’s cuz I have siblings unrelated to me which is why I’m even more appalled.

    MSue July 10, 2024 9:04 am
    Nah it’s still incest. They were raised together as siblings. its just disgusting. Maybe it’s cuz I have siblings unrelated to me which is why I’m even more appalled. NutterButter

    Why do ppl always wanna extend the meaning of words? I’m in no way, shape or form defending incest nor this manhwa, just wanna make that clear. But for someone to have incestuous relations they MUST be blood related, even if they’re distant relatives like a twice removed cousin. Now, them growing up together like family and getting together is most definitely morally questionable albeit not incestuous.

    Lulu July 10, 2024 3:40 pm
    u do not have to be blood related for it to be consider incest Jaxx

    Between step siblings, especially those who grew up together, it's morally wrong to say the least, but it's not incest. The whole practice of incest and why it's wrong is because there isn't enough genetic material between the two involved, and that's why in some cases, cousins can marry.

    Incest is marriage or sexual intercourse with a relative within the prohibited degree of consanguinity. In other words, incest is sexual contact between close blood relatives, including brothers and sisters, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, or aunts or uncles with nephews or nieces.

    Jaxx July 10, 2024 4:50 pm
    Between step siblings, especially those who grew up together, it's morally wrong to say the least, but it's not incest. The whole practice of incest and why it's wrong is because there isn't enough genetic mate... Lulu

    I completely understand what you mean, and certainly, incest can occur only between blood-related relatives. But in certain cases, people still perceive step-siblings having sexual contact as incest .

    Lulu July 10, 2024 5:08 pm
    I completely understand what you mean, and certainly, incest can occur only between blood-related relatives. But in certain cases, people still perceive step-siblings having sexual contact as incest . Jaxx

    That's where I think that whole 'perception' is wrong. People need to stop assigning things to situations because they feel like it, ya know? Stepsibling love is certainly gross, but it's a moral thing, but it shouldn't be thought of as something that is clearly defined. That's like saying red and pink are the same thing. While similar, there are differences. It's like 'rape' and 'sexual assault.' Where I grew up, those are two distinct separate things, with different meanings. In other parts of the world, it's confusing because it's interchangeable, the definition is so blurred that you don't know one from the other, even in the news. Words are powerful, but they lose meaning or substance if we just take them to mean what we want.

    Jaxx July 10, 2024 6:16 pm
    That's where I think that whole 'perception' is wrong. People need to stop assigning things to situations because they feel like it, ya know? Stepsibling love is certainly gross, but it's a moral thing, but it ... Lulu

    fair point , personally i see it as weird . and i agree with u

    Lulu July 10, 2024 9:13 pm
    fair point , personally i see it as weird . and i agree with u Jaxx

    I know it's weird. I haven't read this story, and don't think I will, but I've read books on step siblings who were running wild as kids eventually fall in love, and I think that is terrible. I just don't see how it adds to the story. Unless they meet as older teens or adults, where they are just strangers who become family because of their parents.

    ReviewRaptor July 11, 2024 12:19 am
    u do not have to be blood related for it to be consider incest Jaxx

    You literally do. That is precisely what defines incest.

    You guys need to open a dictionary.

    Jaxx July 11, 2024 12:35 am
    You literally do. That is precisely what defines incest.You guys need to open a dictionary. ReviewRaptor

    dude in some states it is consider incest , although this is not incest, i still view it as strange

    ReviewRaptor July 11, 2024 12:49 am
    dude in some states it is consider incest , although this is not incest, i still view it as strange Jaxx

    I don't care about what some US county's laws are, I'm going by actual definition of the word. Factually, per definition, incest is sexual relations between close blood relatives. Adoption doesn't make you related. So while it is still questionable if you grew up like actual family from a young age, it's really not the same in detail.
    I don't really care what some places count as incest, especially because it ignores the actual meaning of the word. And we all know there are more than enough dumb laws out there. So it's better to ignore this #playing extra sausage' nonsense that twists the meaning of this term. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    It's perfectly fine to find this weird. I hate the step-sibling and onii-chan bullshit too (makes me wanna hurl almost as much as this 'daddy' bs). But incest and pseudo-incest (let's call it that) in kink-type fictional settings is quite different in many ways. It's not as disgusting as actual incest, that's for sure. X'D

    For comics from korea however things are different. Hyung is a term used for older males, it doesn't mean they are related or view each other as brothers. Asian languages have a more detailed type of addressing each other in social interactions. Kinda like the -san/-chan/-kun or -sensei/-senpai in japan. Korea has a more detailed way of addressing people you have certain relationships with. Sadly I cannot think of a good english example except using the word 'brother'. Some guys in a group/clique will call each other brother (usually people of colour rather than white people) but it's not the same type as 'brother' you use for an actual relative.

    It might take a while to get used to this with korean comics, but just try to keep in mind it's NOT the same as saying onii-chan. That should greatly help draw a line. It did for me, so good luck trying to adjust your mind. Might not be easy if you already caught the yukc for it. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Jaxx July 11, 2024 2:33 am
    I don't care about what some US county's laws are, I'm going by actual definition of the word. Factually, per definition, incest is sexual relations between close blood relatives. Adoption doesn't make you rela... ReviewRaptor

    yeah just feel lowkey strange to me . even tho they are not related . and yes i am aware that it's not the same type as onii-chan thankfully , that would indeed be gross.

    ReviewRaptor July 11, 2024 3:02 am
    yeah just feel lowkey strange to me . even tho they are not related . and yes i am aware that it's not the same type as onii-chan thankfully , that would indeed be gross. Jaxx

    Understandable. Some things are just weird to us, I think we all got something like that in some area in our life.

    Jaxx July 11, 2024 3:05 am
    Understandable. Some things are just weird to us, I think we all got something like that in some area in our life. ReviewRaptor
