Ngl seeing how desperate Tristan wants to be fucked by Ethan kinda breaks my heart because...

Meow Nyann July 9, 2024 9:00 pm

Ngl seeing how desperate Tristan wants to be fucked by Ethan kinda breaks my heart because it’s even clearer he’s going through some victim’s guilty conscience breakdown with the whole thing. He wanted Ethan to erase those “dirty” feelings he had inside because someone who isn’t his lover had bitten him and made him hard even tho he was ASSAULTED. He felt horrible and guilty, and wanted Ethan to quickly have him to prove himself still worthy of Ethan’s love while also subconsciously punishing himself by enduring the pain he felt during their initial sex. He was so ashamed that he didn’t even want to face Ethan, because he knew Ethan would be (and is) angry but he still desperately wanted to prove himself to Ethan because his heart had always been true only to Ethan. I could write about this forever how Tristan is a victim throughout and he’s literally beating himself up for something that was done to him without his consent.

I’m happy Ethan was able to see that something was up with Tristan, and despite being angry at the situation he still reassured Tristan he loves him and always wants him to feel good. That’s why he stopped being rough and made love gently to him to wash away the guilt Tristan has been feeling because he didn’t want their sex to feel like some sort of “repentance” from Tristan since it wasn’t even his fault.

    Norn July 9, 2024 11:06 pm


    Reneec July 10, 2024 8:24 am

    Omg I agree so hard not to mention that Ethan also went out with somebody. He knew he had history with that He literally dated and had made Tristan feel insecure he went along with his ex and whole I want you to suck my blood and help me sexually and kiss me because I’m in love with your dad, but I’m gonna pretend that it’s you like Ethan literally cheated because he sucks somebody and made out with him. He has no right to feel angry yeah