LeRain July 9, 2024 8:32 pm

Tbh Ethan's situation is a little better, because he only went to beg for the blood of his ex because he wants to cure Tristan's father, but he got basically forced to kiss the ex in exchange. However, Ethan did not want to do it and his ex only sees him as a replacement. Tristan and his father are a whole another level, they both want to fuck each other and have romantic feelings. Wren is actively trying to have sex with Tristan.

    Meow Nyann July 9, 2024 8:40 pm

    I’m convinced you are some 12 year old reading this because how on earth do you get to this conclusion when Tristan never once said or thought wants to fuck Wren. Even after he was forcefully aroused all he thinks about Ethan and wants to get fucked by him ONLY. Please go back to school.

    jojo July 9, 2024 9:04 pm

    you have reading comprehension, i know we only get what we understand but this is on another level.

    Norn July 9, 2024 11:07 pm

    Another 14 year old who thinks that biological responses = he was asking for it/he wanted it. It's these sorts of mindsets that delegitimize male rape and sexual assault victims.