From the beginning of this story, I was already very curious, because it started with a fi...

ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ July 9, 2024 8:10 pm

From the beginning of this story, I was already very curious, because it started with a fight and might end with a fight too... However, every time they fight, they all must be sweating... But I never saw them take a bath, change clothes or underwear, and how they take care of their teeth, whatever to other readers who always want to cry with things they already know (It's like seeing the comment "I will cry and bla...bla..bla"which is very boring)... But honestly, I am more curious about their cleanliness...( ̄∇ ̄")

    Thirdratereader July 9, 2024 9:34 pm

    Gurl in a world of apocalypse, would you even care about your hygiene when surviving is hard enough? Anyways, I get you have your priorities straight I see .

    ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ July 9, 2024 9:43 pm
    Gurl in a world of apocalypse, would you even care about your hygiene when surviving is hard enough? Anyways, I get you have your priorities straight I see . Thirdratereader

    Yes, maybe not too much thought about as long as we can survive, but maybe it's just my strange thoughts... I mean even though we have to survive... Besides that, we also need to pee and poop, then where are the young girls also thinking about the time they are menstruating... Aaahh I'm sorry just my mind is crazy... Thank you for coming to my weird post ╥﹏╥