I'm Hindu too...but I'm not one of THOSE two faced pseudo liberal Hindus,who goes around behaving in a condescending way to their own culture and religion and country . They often make up lies and deceit others to curry favour with outsiders for views or for other selfish gains..
Those brown skinned white Hindus have always been like these. They feel like shaming their own civilization will help them look like more liberal and open minded people..
Look at the number of dislikes you got. I can say 7/8 are Hindus themselves.
But in this context I'll suggest you to let go..
You cannot say or do much anyway

OMG i completely agree , people these days will do anything to seem more " western " , even if that means giving up their religion which is honestly disgusting.
Ik i cant do much because this has already been posted. People wudve reacted differently if there was another religion's symbol for sure.
I hated seeing the c*m fall on his back and over the om symbol when he isnt even hindu , so why get the tattoo in the first place-
I hated this manga anyways and now i hate it more.

I was also offended then I simply calmed myself down remembering the shivalingam.
Shiva exists everywhere even in a rock . So, nothing is disgusting or pleasurable for Mahadev, he is beyond Maya..
That's how I console myself..
No use getting angry. We are not that liked anyway . Just open Twitter
We don't have those weird blasphemy..

As a Catholic(yes yikes indeed) or former idk pretty conflicted abt that but anyways if i recall some Christian/Catholics do have tattoos of the cross, heck even a Jesus tattoo. In my community i think we dont really shame them for doing so. Maybe some will while some won't. I think that applies to Buddhism since u know with the yakuza tattoos and all.
But I do understand that in Hinduism that isn't the case, this is definitely a form of cultural appropriation. It sucks I love payback and the tattoo is aesthetically cool ngl but the cultural significance this has is eating up my conscience for a few years now even as a non Hindu. Altho if i recall there was actually a reason as to why samk chose Shiva as Yoohan's tattoo. With Yoohan's and how he's written, the narrative of the novel, and what Shiva represents... I sorta understand the choice, but still
Samk wrote this back way back 2010 i feel bad for justifying but i guess during those times lack of access to information kinda shows their ignorance. But this was adapted into a manhwa in 2021 so that got me thinking why didn't Fujoking and the editors change it instead. Im pretty sure they have at least research if its ok to publish something like this or not please don't cancel payback for this tho, story is amazing and this is one its very gleaming flaw it has. I mean many BL do have... Questionable plot choices so i guess i aint shocked

No its alright , im not gonna cancel payback lol . The storyline is so good too , i wont cancel a whole manga over smtng like that because the author has definitely put hardwork into this and we know how little they get paid . In our religion, the older generation, like my grandmother, have the same tattoo but on their hands. I wish they just put it on his chest or smtng lol. And i mean this is a bl , ive seen worse - but i hope people realise that they really shud be more careful with things like this.
Im hindu and i feel like this is kinda disrespectful even if it has no meaning. Imagine if it was a cross or muslim symbol-
Its just the way it was shown in the last chapter. ..... But im sorry if I'm wrong