Yeah, I'm up-to-date on the raw too. But I don't know Korean, but.It's sad that agia still hasn't broke free From the church's brain washing. From the raws, it seemed like a happy reunion . But if you don't mind me asking do you think that cain Took over Ken's body? Why is he suddenly OK In the new chapter? If you know.

I wanna remind you that ever since agio was shown that mummified agia reincarnation, he’s afraid of the church using his body like they did. So, since he was young, he’s been obsessed with the prophecy so he can die. Like he seriously wants to die. He’s so brainwashed that he thinks the prophecy will save him from this whole ordeal.

Did we all forget that Again was a child soldier, with an extremely abusive upbringing by a terrible guardian who would lock him in with rabid vampires and showed him even death wouldn't save him from the church (the perpetually dying predecessors how are kept alive against all odds to simply be studied or used) if Ken becomes a vampire, that's Agia's fate. A constant state of undeath and pain all for the church. I'm almost positive if the prophecy was Agia getting topped by Ken he would have power bottomed Ken dry.
Agia's fucked up, and his priorities are fucked, because the church made him that way. I believe he could be in a constant state of PTSD and wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't always on the edge of a full mental break.

everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. yet my point still stands that it felt careless. like what abt a hello? how are you? or just a hug? it felt so dismissive of how ken might’ve been feeling. his trauma was a reason why he was concerned abt ken being a vampire but that won’t change my opinion abt it being selfish reaction towards his LOVER. but hey! when was a ml ever not selfish in a bl, am i right ;)

Oh no, I completely agree. Can't throw a rock without hitting a selfish ml in a bl.
Honestly seeing how most of these stories go, He'll never change, even in the end it will just become "Oh he's just like that, it's endearing".
Maybe one day, ONE DAY, we'll get a story that sure the ml is an ass in the first half, but then genuinely changes for the better and treats their partner with love and respect.
(I'm just not going to hold my breath for it)

right!! i really hope that queer representation wouldn’t be so toxic in manwha/manhuas etc. yet what can we do. but i can recommend u a manga with a genuine healthy relationship that i couldn’t forget until now. it’s called koi ga ochitara. maybe u know it already but it’s age gap and soooo sweet yet sexy. do check it out!! <3
so from the raws i have to say that i got kinda mad at agia when he found ken again bc instead of checking on his wellbeing he was only concerned wether he was turned into a vampire and that the prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled that way. like u just found ur mans again but don’t give a fûck abt him and only care abt the weird ass prophecy. don’t get me wrong i love agia but that shocked me ngl…