SPOILERS AHEAD This certainly didn’t start out great for either main ch...

Assasin8 July 9, 2024 3:32 pm


This certainly didn’t start out great for either main character, but I do really think the merit is in its development. The ML is absolutely a rapist and a blackmailer who sucks, but his character arc felt genuinely earned. He clearly DOES love the MC now, he remembered all the shitty stuff he did, he feels remorse, he apologized sincerely, and now he’s doing whatever he can to make up being being human garbage before. Narratively it feels satisfying for the two main characters to be happy together because the story put in the work of making it at least kind of realistic. Euihyun doesn’t just love Taeju because of Stockholm syndrome, he had genuine anger and hatred for him for a long time, but he cautiously lets himself care for Taeju more as Taeju repeatedly shows his devotion by helping him build a better life for both him and his brother. In real life I wouldn’t support a relationship that started this way because I imagine it’s hard to trust someone who has raped and abused you before, but since this is fiction, we know that Taeju’s feelings are sincere, so it’s much easier to root for him
