Im lonely too so im gonna wh0re around too

Eyys July 9, 2024 3:07 pm

Im lonely too so im gonna wh0re around too

    Orange catie July 12, 2024 4:39 pm

    Nice comeback hahhahahhaha
    I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer after reading your comment hahaha (≧∀≦)

    annoyed_linguist July 15, 2024 8:26 am

    can we not be weird about casual sex and polyam relationships i beg (that is functionally what his thing was). kazu’s a dick and a neglectful friend but tbh him having multiple girlfriends shouldn’t be an issue when everyone consented to it

    Orange catie July 15, 2024 10:49 am
    can we not be weird about casual sex and polyam relationships i beg (that is functionally what his thing was). kazu’s a dick and a neglectful friend but tbh him having multiple girlfriends shouldn’t be an ... annoyed_linguist

    and the reasons used are very illogical, just because he is "lonely" doesn't mean he has to do all that, especially since he knows that uke has liked him for a long time but still have so many girlfriend
    its as if our uke is not enough for his lonelyness

    annoyed_linguist July 15, 2024 12:17 pm
    and the reasons used are very illogical, just because he is "lonely" doesn't mean he has to do all that, especially since he knows that uke has liked him for a long time but still have so many girlfriendits as ... Orange catie

    i mean idk man he’s clearly not an emotionally mature character. i don’t think he actually understood his friend genuinely liked him, he was still caught up in those childish feelings. but like if we really stop and think the issue isn’t him having multiple girlfriends it’s the fact he neglects yuki as a friend.

    kazu’s problem is that he relied on yuki but never did anything to make him feel special. never did anything to show how valuable yuki was to him. kazu expects to be pampered but doesn’t return the energy. that’s his problem (and why i’m pro-yuki temporarily dumping his ass), hes selfish.

    but outside of that having multiple girlfriends shouldn’t be such a big deal, even as a way to cope with loneliness. yuki never acknowledges his own feelings or confesses to him (not counting them as children) and they’re not in a intimate relationship by any defined means. the multiple girlfriends is not the issue it’s the lack of effort and neglect towards their friendship that’s the issue. kazu was just as capable of actually putting effort to make yuki feel special and valued with multiple girlfriends as he was without. and on a similar note, even if he dated one girl or no one he’s as capable of neglecting yuki.

    you get what i’m saying??

    tl;dr - kazu dating multiple girls isn’t the issue it’s the fact he neglects yuki as friend and only thought about himself. (additional note: latest chapter shows he clearly recognizes he fucked up and wants to fix that mistake)