The story kinda felt dull and all chapters felt like they're just stuck on their "honeymoon phase," literally. There's no big developments on their characters (or maybe I just didn't notice?) but the most distinct here is just their very good physical relationship which kinda gives to the title. But it's still realistic, I might say. But really, I kind of can't draw anything complex about the characters.
I don’t think it was the story I mean the premise is typical but this is my second story in reading of this author and I think her plots are so-so but it’s her characters and their lack of personality that make the story fall flat and feel 1 dimensional but that’s just my opinion lol
The story kinda felt dull and all chapters felt like they're just stuck on their "honeymoon phase," literally. There's no big developments on their characters (or maybe I just didn't notice?) but the most distinct here is just their very good physical relationship which kinda gives to the title. But it's still realistic, I might say. But really, I kind of can't draw anything complex about the characters.