I hope Dan rejects jaekyung

Addy July 9, 2024 11:16 am

I literally cannot imagine jaekyung being remotely romantic in any way. So I can’t see a redemption arc for him. At least in BJ Alex you see that Jiwon can have a genuine smile and can have a fun time. And that was before his arc. Not once has Jaekyung ever had a real genuine smile. He’s extremely abusive and he’s a dick. So I can’t even imagine him being sweet to Dan, fawning over him, being romantic, or literally anything that doesn’t involve being an asshole. Curious to see how mingwa does this arc

    Unyielding Voice July 9, 2024 9:37 pm

    I don't agree with you. Jaekyung been nothing but kind and romantic towards Dan. Let's all be respectful towards each other's opinions. I only share facts.

    Brave Narrator July 9, 2024 10:37 pm

    **Warning: Please Be Aware of [Unyielding Voice] ([ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/])**

    It has come to our attention that this individual is involved in activities such as cyberstalking and identity theft within our community. Evidence indicates they may be falsely portraying themselves as others to spread misinformation and cause harm. This behavior includes targeting those who share facts and details from the story, using tactics like straw man arguments, ad hominems, gaslighting, and other forms of manipulation.

    These actions seem to stem from personal grievances and an awareness of their own wrongdoings. While it’s essential to share knowledge and enlighten others, it is important to avoid attacking others or fostering division. Unfortunately, this behavior undermines constructive discourse by targeting individuals and groups they disagree with.

    Please remain vigilant and consider this information as you engage within our community.

    Brave Narrator July 9, 2024 10:40 pm

    Do not pay attention to the impersonator of mine above. He will attempt to groom you as he already did to other users in Mangago. He is currently harassing me with the help of Chatgpt because he thinks I am a minor.

    Fearless Commentator July 9, 2024 11:20 pm

    To clarify the sequence of events: On July 6, 2024, around 2:20 pm GMT, their main target changed their name to "Resolute Reader" and updated their profile picture. In response, I adopted the name Resolute Reader to match their target. Within 8 hours, [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/] also changed their name and began posting as Resolute Reader without any action on our part. They are monitoring us.

    Upon observing their use of the name Resolute Reader, both their main target and I changed our names to "Unyielding Voice" around 1:18 am GMT on July 8. Shortly afterward, [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/] copied this name and brought in their Aloha account, stealing with real Aloha's identity. They have openly admitted to maintaining multiple accounts for what they call "trolling." While they may see this as harmless or entertaining, their actions constitute targeted harassment and cyberstalking, which are serious and harmful behaviors.

    Persistent harassment, cyberstalking, and identity theft are unacceptable. By identifying themselves as trolls, they may seek to downplay their actions, but these behaviors have real consequences. They use this label to avoid accountability.

    Recently, another account has emerged as "unyielding voice" to support them and replicate their target's and my previous name. I urge caution in engaging with them, as they have demonstrated a pattern of harmful behavior towards their targets and those who differ from them.

    Upon noticing that the profile that copied "Resolute Reader" had also adopted "Unyielding Voice," we changed our name to "Brave Narrator" at 7:42 pm on July 8. Subsequent posts were made under this new name. Despite abandoning these names over 24 hours ago, only this individual with two profiles continues to use them. [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/home/] claimed I copied their "Unyielding Voice" after we abandoned that name. Despite this claim, they have copied "Brave Narrator," prompting us to change our names again. Now they claim we have asked ChapGPT for "edgy names" showing what they said here [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16482046/] was a lie. Nearly everything they say is a lie.

    This individual is cyberstalking, pretending to be a troll and making false claims. Avoid engaging with them as they may cause harm.

    steadfast scribe July 10, 2024 12:18 am

    My harasser commented above. Beware of his predatory tendencies whenever he suspects someone to be a minor.

    Indomitable Pen July 10, 2024 12:39 am


    This is about the cyber stalker who made the last comment as steadfast scribe.

    Indomitable Pen July 10, 2024 9:21 am

    And above here . You will notice him as he loves projecting himself (see: cyberstalking) onto othere without knowing what they mean, and by always having at least one link on his comments.