Oh to be the editor on this project and get to pick out and toss all the bright red flags ...

Little Lad July 9, 2024 7:21 am

Oh to be the editor on this project and get to pick out and toss all the bright red flags in this. I was VERY ready to drop when the brought in the r*pe over multiple years thing?!?! Like why even write that it served zero purpose in the story?!?!! But unfortunately I was curious how it would end and thought the butler deserved happiness. And god fucking damnit the end won me over!! Like I can’t deny the heir jumping through hoops, swindling, planning and legit changing the whole world around him just so the butler could not only be by his side as his lover but ALSO get to stay doing to butler job he enjoyed AND keep the things he cherished…that was so iconic. Lavender mariage proposition w/lesbian side couple I loved! Ending loved! But god I wish they didn’t have the r*pe backstory and kidnapping(?!?!) arc that SERVED NO PURPOSE AT ALL AND WERE FORGOTTEN
