They are the sick ones

Luvarts July 9, 2024 5:00 am

Wow, a fcking stupid people that can't differentiate between real life and fictional are yapping their assess off in the comments. But yk what? I read it somewhere that it is a form of self-harm. Where you read something you don't like with triggering content for yourself. Please, get some help if you are that kind of person instead of rain in our parade here. We all know how to tell the difference between real life and fictional. We didn't condemned this happened in real life, but we enjoy a little bit of fiction when everything in the end would end up okay and happily ever after.

    Sugureta July 9, 2024 6:21 am

    Seriously, if they can't distinguish between fiction and reality, they shouldn't be reading on this site. It's not just BL; even straight comics here have similar plots, and it's not good if these trigger their anxiety.

    cheesygarlicbread July 9, 2024 7:22 am


    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:01 pm

    A commenter having a melt down by saying that all of us are forgetting ML rapes MC at the starts. Result in Insulting all the people by calling them pedophile, supporting rape, and all. If the comments are still there, i think you can still read all of the convo.

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:04 pm
    A commenter having a melt down by saying that all of us are forgetting ML rapes MC at the starts. Result in Insulting all the people by calling them pedophile, supporting rape, and all. If the comments are stil... Luvarts

    Wait, I mean they are having a melt down. But at the start they are just saying that we forgetting ML rapes MC at the starts. People reply to them, but they replied in French. Then people keep replying and then they had a melt down and result in Insulting people by calling them names. Sorry lol

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:13 pm
    Seriously, if they can't distinguish between fiction and reality, they shouldn't be reading on this site. It's not just BL; even straight comics here have similar plots, and it's not good if these trigger their... Sugureta

    Right? I don't understand with people like this. They might be not old enough, having a mental health issues, or just lack of common sense. It's not like we don't know that what happened is bad, like we know Taejoo done something terrible so many times. It's not like Taejoo is the best of person in the whole world, he is literally a mafia and a loan shark family
    In the latest chapter, he just stabbed someone in the neck and massacre the whole gang. Like?? Lmao

    seabi July 9, 2024 3:19 pm
    A commenter having a melt down by saying that all of us are forgetting ML rapes MC at the starts. Result in Insulting all the people by calling them pedophile, supporting rape, and all. If the comments are stil... Luvarts

    ehhh that’s me !! why don’t u mention my name girllll

    seabi July 9, 2024 3:20 pm
    A commenter having a melt down by saying that all of us are forgetting ML rapes MC at the starts. Result in Insulting all the people by calling them pedophile, supporting rape, and all. If the comments are stil... Luvarts

    IVE NEVER CALLED ANYONE A PEDO BTW i only said that if u enjoy rape then u enjoy everything else don’t twist my words

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:30 pm
    IVE NEVER CALLED ANYONE A PEDO BTW i only said that if u enjoy rape then u enjoy everything else don’t twist my words seabi

    So basically, you did. You called them Pedophile, Incest, and all other things. I never twisted your words. Because nobody enjoy rape in this story, even the creator themselves makes that scene look scary. So idk what are you trying to projecting here in this comment section
    Take a rest, put down your phone for awhile. Go outside and see how the real world is. Learn how to distinguish between real life and fiction. It's gonna help instead having a mental breakdown on a comment section just to be silly

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:30 pm
    ehhh that’s me !! why don’t u mention my name girllll seabi

    I don't even remember your name. Sorry, maybe i would the next time you are having a melt down again in the comment section

    seabi July 9, 2024 3:44 pm
    So basically, you did. You called them Pedophile, Incest, and all other things. I never twisted your words. Because nobody enjoy rape in this story, even the creator themselves makes that scene look scary. So i... Luvarts

    ?? i literally never called em a pedo in this topic LOL like i said, y’all are enjoying a RAPIST if u think you’re eating this then perhaps you’re completely stupid but okay ! it’s not just fiction rape is disgusting pedo is disgusting incest is disgusting. if u think it’s not then you have a serious problem idc if it’s fiction y’all are enjoying this. « let him save his pookie  » blud is not hot and raped him 20 chapters ago but okay girlies

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:51 pm
    ?? i literally never called em a pedo in this topic LOL like i said, y’all are enjoying a RAPIST if u think you’re eating this then perhaps you’re completely stupid but okay ! it’s not just fiction rape... seabi

    Nobody enjoyinh the rape part. Are you tho? Lmao seems like you are. Like i said, nobody condemned this happened in real life, but this is fiction. Nobody think Rape or sny of those disgusting thing you are listed are okay. Seriously dude, learn to improve you reading comprehension. The character itself already developed and having their redemption arc. He is trying to save his NOW lover, so everyone cheer about it because our favourite MC are finally would be released from the kidnapping save by his NOW lover. We are cheering not about the RAPE PART. Swear to god you like calling people stupid, but look who is the stupidest one. You are definitely lacking something here that's why you don't understand.

    seabi July 9, 2024 3:53 pm
    Nobody enjoyinh the rape part. Are you tho? Lmao seems like you are. Like i said, nobody condemned this happened in real life, but this is fiction. Nobody think Rape or sny of those disgusting thing you are lis... Luvarts


    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:55 pm
    ?? i literally never called em a pedo in this topic LOL like i said, y’all are enjoying a RAPIST if u think you’re eating this then perhaps you’re completely stupid but okay ! it’s not just fiction rape... seabi

    Once again i said, if it's not clear for your head,

    Nobody enjoying the Rape scene. Nobody cheering when the Rape scene appeared, so idk why you come to that conclusion. Sounds so dumb, but okay. Maybe you are delusional and found those comments that cheering and enjoying when the rape scene appeared.

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 3:55 pm
    shakabrahhhhhh seabi

    Don't cast your spell here when you don't know what to answer.

    seabi July 9, 2024 3:59 pm
    Don't cast your spell here when you don't know what to answer. Luvarts

    ik how to answer i just don’t want to since i’ve alrd said a thousands times the same thing. and btw it’s not a spell it’s from lis but ig you’re dumb…. anyways have a great day singing ybc

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 4:05 pm
    ik how to answer i just don’t want to since i’ve alrd said a thousands times the same thing. and btw it’s not a spell it’s from lis but ig you’re dumb…. anyways have a great day singing ybc seabi

    Same as me, yet i was so patient explained it to you cuz ik you don't understand and quite dumb. Have a good life. Pls, inform me when you get a melt down again^^

    seabi July 9, 2024 4:07 pm
    Same as me, yet i was so patient explained it to you cuz ik you don't understand and quite dumb. Have a good life. Pls, inform me when you get a melt down again^^ Luvarts

    t’es hella gnt msr js morte

    Luvarts July 9, 2024 4:13 pm
    t’es hella gnt msr js morte seabi

    Pls answer in english. Don't be a coward and hiding in another language that the other person can't speak. That's rude, kid. Please learn some manner