as a dutch person this was.... hard and awkward to read lmao. I didnt take the part in the netherlands too seriously bc its ofc overly stereotyped but I feel like I should at least correct the TL note on the word 'kut'. in no way is it ever used or translated as cunt. cunt is something you'd call a dickhead. Literally translated it would mean vagina, but we just say "this is a kut situation" when something doesnt go correctly or "KUT!" if we stub our toe against the table. id say its more on the same scale as just using fuck as swear word.
as a dutch person this was.... hard and awkward to read lmao. I didnt take the part in the netherlands too seriously bc its ofc overly stereotyped but I feel like I should at least correct the TL note on the word 'kut'. in no way is it ever used or translated as cunt. cunt is something you'd call a dickhead. Literally translated it would mean vagina, but we just say "this is a kut situation" when something doesnt go correctly or "KUT!" if we stub our toe against the table. id say its more on the same scale as just using fuck as swear word.