The rape in the beginning ruins the whole thing. And it was SO unnecessary. It’s never brought up again, there are no consequences. Like it just happens and the story moves on. It’s treating rape like a rough handshake. But it ruins the “sweet” ML everyone loves because it means at his core he’s a rapist who sees nothing wrong with rape. Why do yaoi always do this with ML they don’t want to be seen as evil? Like unless you’re intentionally writing a toxic ML who is meant to be toxic and that’s a plot point of the story, why rape? Just feels like the editor said “we need a sex scene in the beginning” so they just threw it in to get it out of the way.
Fr like instant rape just makes no sense. It would be more believable to whack him unconscious, rough him up a little, or toss him in a dungeon for having deceived them. Plus, loving your rapist after being confined just screams stockholm syndrome rather than love.
The rape in the beginning ruins the whole thing. And it was SO unnecessary. It’s never brought up again, there are no consequences. Like it just happens and the story moves on. It’s treating rape like a rough handshake. But it ruins the “sweet” ML everyone loves because it means at his core he’s a rapist who sees nothing wrong with rape. Why do yaoi always do this with ML they don’t want to be seen as evil? Like unless you’re intentionally writing a toxic ML who is meant to be toxic and that’s a plot point of the story, why rape? Just feels like the editor said “we need a sex scene in the beginning” so they just threw it in to get it out of the way.