+ And she was supposed to be in a BL novel. So why is everyone falling in love with her, a female? It was also very aggravating to see her so upset when Mio told her that she wasn't in a novel and that there would be no prince on a white horse to save her. Like, just quit it. You have all these men and you want some prince on a horse?? The only thing likeable in this story is Yurigel. People in the comments might be out here hating on him but I love his character. He is actually smart and so mysterious. He isn't those typical idiotic og protagonists in shoujo manhwas. He actually has a brain and it's a 100x bigger than the person in Ash's body. He makes a good antagonist and he is well-written

Uh...don't take this the wrong way but, I think you might need to just drop it and move on. I'm not gonna say your perspective isn't valid but I think, it's probably not the type of story you were hoping for in the first place. It's not some kind of high-stakes drama like KtV; it's a slow, slice-of-(isekai)life esque pace that focuses on Ash and her emotions, her physical and mental changes, and how she interacts with the world in her position of powerlessness. Of course, there are also things I'm not fond of in the series in terms of plot or character, but I like the vibe and the greyness of Ash's narrative vs what's actually happening, and the fact that she's slowly assimilating and forgetting things from her past; it's all these little mundane aspects that feel real. So I personally enjoy it because while the story isn't steamrolling anywhere, the presentation is rather unique. She's not actively pursuing anything, just riding with the tide.

Thanks for your reply! Though this did help change my perspective of the manhwa a teeny bit, I still feel hatred for Ash as the heroine. Your opinion and view of the story is extremely nice and you pay attention to the little details. But I still think Ash could be a better person to the queen instead of pitying her and helping her occasionally

I read both of your guys’ thoughts on this story and i gotta say, I can agree with both of you. Like you, im also really frustrated with ash’s lack of action and entire thought process. Its like she jumps through hoops and hurdles to get to a single conclusion that just wasn’t necessary. Sometimes i felt like she makes a huge deal and is SUPER shocked at times by things that just dont seem like that big of a deal and arent that shocking? But i can also see what the repliers point is where ash is at the end of the day, still just a person with flaws. And that she cant be perfect and is growing/very slowly adapting to her life. I almost feel like she could be a much more mentally stable person if she could just leave the kingdom and everything that has to do with the novel behind. The novel seems like its the main source of trauma and doubt for her which is causing her to second guess everything and everyone including their sincerity towards her.
The FL is so insufferable. This manhwa feels like a Kill the Villainess knock-off. She keeps saying she wants to save the queen but has doen nothing to achieve it. She has a great magician who is literally near demi-god level who loves her and a war hero duke. She could literally become a noble if she wanted to and she already has most of the king's power. She keeps saying she misses her family but has put in no effort to go back. The only guy who she had really good chemistry with is the guy with the least amount of romantic screentime with her. This story is such wasted potential and it could've been so good if they just stopped adding men to her harem and gave her at least half a braincell and a quarter of a personality. Because it's been 123 chapters and the only thing she has achieved is a harem. This story is going nowhere and she hasn't even been through any hardship at all. She didn't even die to reincarnate as Ash. She's low-key ruining og Ash's life because Ash loved the "master" dude. This story was genuinely so good and so eerie and her relationship with Mio was going so well till everyone fell in love with her. She also ruined the teacher's chance with the queen and when she found out that he liked the queen she left him. And she made the duke escort the queen only to make him carry her and get her booze. Only then to be comforted by both the knight and the magician. This story is just a huge pile of crap on top of a well-polished gem and it could've been one of my top reads.