It would be tolerable as long as they don’t bring in a love interest because as u said even her temperament is like that of a child plus super petite women make up such a small % of the population that “representation” is absolutely not necessary in an industry that’s already obsessed with lolis and making up excuses as to why it’s ok to be attracted to little girls.

I’m not trying to be dramatic about “representation”. I’m just saying that people like that exist in real life and hence is possible to be written as a character. I’d also like to point out a distinction that petite women do not equate to lolis or literal children. Honestly, her character design doesn’t really bring up an image of a child, at worst a teenager (15/16), nor is it sexualizing it for that matter but maybe that’s just me. I did say she was childish but perhaps I used the wrong word for it, she doesn’t act like a child. She’s playful and a bit immature but that’s also typical of someone her age and could be present in any adults. I wouldn’t say that factors into this situation, at least in my book. Maybe it isn’t really necessary to write her this way, sure, but could it be written this way? Why not? Is it the author’s/ artist’s fault when a few people sexualize a character when the author had no intention towards doing that and the vast majority are normal with it? I don’t think it is. Did she make her go naked or something? Why is it such a big problem? Not a problem. She’s 19 (if I remember correctly). She can have a crush, have romance, heck, even get married. At least for me, I enjoy the story, and see no problem with it. I didn’t even notice it was an issue before I looked at the comments.

YES. Jioh's like 20 rn, and is in college or smth. Ofc she's still somewhat immature and childish. I actually really love her character design with all the comfy outfits (hoodie, sandals, shorts). As a 23yr-old, that's me on a daily basis. Short ppl can exist without being equated to sexualized lolis/children. I'm 5'2 but I also know hella ppl around my age or older who are shorter than me. It's not rare to see in my community
I know everyone is weirded out because of her ‘childlike’ figure but I’m not at all? Because I myself relate so much to Jo. I’m a grown woman at 23 who constantly gets mistaken as a middle schooler(i kid you not, waiters still ask for my age at restaurants, and not bc of alcohol but bc i can qualify for kid prices). People like me do exist, not only are we short but our faces look young as well. The novel has also pointed out that Jo was certainly very petite, especially in contrast to her model figure brother and sister, and it’s also one of her insecurities. In conclusion, it’s possible, and to me, realistic.
Though I have to say, it’s just part of her personality that she’s childish in temperament. We take no part in that claim.