Aside from the fatphobia (prevalent in Japan sadly) the art is cute. It’s weird tho th...

July 8, 2024 1:27 am

Aside from the fatphobia (prevalent in Japan sadly) the art is cute.

It’s weird tho that they were both virgins. Cuz the bottom made it seem like he wasn’t the entire time??? Idk felt so random.

Art is cute tho.

    helvetica July 8, 2024 4:44 am

    I do like how in this story that the people being fatphobic were people outside the relationship though. Mc loved ml for his body type and liked his kindness. Ml wanted to change himself to “look better” next to mc, but his weight gain came from a bad mental state in the first place, so it’s not just a “you shouldn’t be fat” type message. The main people in the relationship, especially mc, didn’t actually show any fatphobic behaviors, and it focused more on how ml wanted to change himself and feel better about himself.

    (I think I said this somewhere else, where it’s like, I wear only skirts, shorts, and dresses in my everyday life because I like wearing it and I feel like it’s what looks best on me. However, that doesn’t mean I think pants look bad. I think so many people look amazing in pants. There may be stuff I don’t like personally for myself, but I don’t think the same about others. Same thing about my weight. I have weight goals for myself, but I see people everyday that don’t have the ultra skinny body type and I still think they look amazing and beautiful. Wanting to change yourself doesn’t mean you’re downplaying other people, as it’s all about what you want for yourself. Of course, it’s different if it becomes obsessive, but I feel like labeling any indication of someone wanting to change their appearance as fatphobic isn’t the best thing to do.

    If it makes the person happy, that’s what matters

    Hopefully that made sense lol

    July 8, 2024 9:43 am
    I do like how in this story that the people being fatphobic were people outside the relationship though. Mc loved ml for his body type and liked his kindness. Ml wanted to change himself to “look better” ne... helvetica

    Well. If I’m being honest. MC did do multiple micro aggressions. Like rubbing a fat persons belly like he did is not great. Fat bodies aren’t toys or props to touch and poke and prod as you like just cuz it’s “squishy”. Also the entire time losing weight is seen as a “glow up” as said by MC. sooooooo….

    I don’t really care about it tho tbh, but I’m not gonna act or say that he didn’t do ANYTHING. And I’m not gonna pretend that MC is fat positive when he’s not lol. It’s great that he liked him from the getgo. But again, his weight loss is scene as more ideal.

    And the ML himself wanting to lose weight is not fatphobic and I never indicated it as so. But the story overall is anti fat bodies. Like the whole premise is he’s “working on himself” and that he had a “glow up” when he lost weight. Just the overall idea that being fat = being undesirable or less than, is not great.

    But again!!!!!!!!! this is a common theme in Japan and I’m not upset about this comic. I still like the art and am happy the characters are happy. The seme is a sweetheart and he’s so cute. But I’m not gonna sit here and act like this story is body and fat positive. Cuz it’s not. And that’s okay! It’s not the end of the world.

    helvetica July 8, 2024 10:01 am
    Well. If I’m being honest. MC did do multiple micro aggressions. Like rubbing a fat persons belly like he did is not great. Fat bodies aren’t toys or props to touch and poke and prod as you like just cuz it...

    Yeah, I just don’t like how a lot of stories or even people in general misconstrue people trying to lose weight as fatphobic. Like, it all depends on what the person in question wants to do to be happy about themselves. It isn’t inherently being fatphobic wanting to lose weight, unless they’re pushing that image/goal onto other imo.

    I think I’m just too used to other stories being so blatant with it lol XD so I don’t see this manga being as big of an offender lol

    July 8, 2024 3:33 pm
    Yeah, I just don’t like how a lot of stories or even people in general misconstrue people trying to lose weight as fatphobic. Like, it all depends on what the person in question wants to do to be happy about ... helvetica

    I literally said that ML, himself, wanting to lose weight isn’t fatphobic…. ╥﹏╥

    helvetica July 8, 2024 7:53 pm
    I literally said that ML, himself, wanting to lose weight isn’t fatphobic…. ╥﹏╥

    lol I wasn’t saying you were saying that. I was just saying that’s why I made my first reply in the first place lol. Sorry if I was kinda confusing, I was dead tired lol

    July 8, 2024 8:47 pm
    lol I wasn’t saying you were saying that. I was just saying that’s why I made my first reply in the first place lol. Sorry if I was kinda confusing, I was dead tired lol helvetica

    No worries at all