
Shiyai July 7, 2024 7:35 pm

Okay...I read this on ncode via MTL (lose few of my brain cells). But I can't...I wanted to spoil so baaad. This is such a bittersweet story that I cried.
Ok....to those who don't want to know, stop reading now
I just said what I remembered.

-you guys are right. The duke was utter trash. He was raised that way. He was separated from his mother early and educated as the next duke. Everyone hate him. His only merit is that he's a duke. He has a little brother.
- So, he regressed. And did a complete change. He confess his love to FL everyday. And actually read tons of love books to woo her. Oh, be changed the servant
- he even skipped an inspection to be with FL. Later his aide discover there's a landslide nearby the area.
- the doctor suspected that the duke developed a split personality. That given time, the old duke personality will come back. So FL is treating the duke's advances as something temporary.
- he bring FL to a date and at that time he ate carrot. Let it be known that he used to hate carrots a lot that no carrot related things should be cooked. FL is totally surprised
- Remember, FL's step sister? She appeared and bitching about. She used to bully FL and tell other people how she was bullied by FL. She didn't like how FL was cherished by ML and told FL how she will be treated coldly again by him. ML came and asked FL to wait him on dinner(?). FL become anxious because everyone believed her step sister.
- when there are only two of them, ML asked stepsis on how FL before she was married (he wanted to know her childhood). Stepsis started to say that FL like to sleeps with men. And ML immediately take out a pen and paper and gave them to stepsis. He told her to list all the names (so that he can erased them). The stepsis was scared because she was just making up stories. So she evaded and said that she might make mistake. Then ML asked again about FL and stepsis tried to tell how she was bullied by FL, but immediately interjected by ML saying, "I don't want to know what you did to my wife". At some point, ML ran out of patience and took the pen that was on the table a tried to stab stepsis eye. Told her that the ink is poisonous and if he go any further she will be blind. So stepsis should tell him about FL's childhood. Stepsis was so scared she told him how FL when she was a kid (truth). The cold ML changed back to become a doting husband ML. I forgot to say that ML was famous to being a tyrant. And I love the scene with the stepsis so much
- ML didn't come for dinner. FL was anxious that stepsis seduced ML. But when she came, the ML was laughing while hearing stepsis telling stories on FL's childhood. FL was so confused but relieved.
- FL actually already started to dlfall for ML but she was afraid the old ML will come back. But she had decided to enjoy her relationship with her doting husband. So when the cold husband came back, she has the memories to accompany her during that time.
- so, she came to her husband to do her marriage duty. ML was so shocked and when FL went to change clothes, he hit his legs countless time because he remembered how he treated her during their consummation. He regretted it a big deal.
-FL is okay, and accidentally told him that he wanted to appreciate the moment together. ML was shocked on the revelation and told her that he will not change back. And he will dote on her until she dies.
-The kissed and slept hugging each other

    Sherry September 5, 2024 5:47 am

    So its a short series ey ?

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun September 6, 2024 12:28 am

    Does it have a happy ending? I mean the summary is good so I'm anxious to know how it ends.